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8-bit inspired escape room NEScape! is out now


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NEScape Xbox

This next game feels like a fusion of two generations for sure. And after a successful Kickstarter campaign to originally launch on the Nintendo Entertainment System, NEScape! is out now on Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

The escape room; on one hand they’ve started popping up on high streets everywhere in empty shop units. On the other hand, they’re still very tailored for us geekier people. And the NES, very much the home console that helped spark a videogame revolution.

Combine them together and what have you got? NEScape!

This escape room simulator will feel very at home for those that have ever done one in real-life or played Escape Academy. The difference here is the visuals and sound. Originally designed to be played on a NES itself, this port is the same game. Expect pixel visuals, a different aspect ratio and everything associated with gaming from years past.

NEScape will have you competing against the clock to find your way through these puzzles and escape. Can you figure out enough of the clues and find out what is on the other side of the door?

NEScape! is on the Xbox Store now priced at £3.99. A far cry cheaper than a real escape room! We managed to work out the puzzles and have a review of NEScape! on Xbox up and live. Let us know in the comments below if you will be picking this one up.

Game description

NEScape combines the look and feel of an authentic 8-Bit Legit retro game with the modern-day element of escape rooms. It’s you against the clock in an intense race to escape the room before time runs out! Do you have the mental fortitude to assemble the clues and connect the dots so that you might overcome the challenges and see what lies on the other side of the door? Being able to track your success by seeing the room change over time adds a unique experience to escape room games. Will you escape in NEScape?

Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Avid gamer since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Grew up with the PS1 and PS2 but changed allegiances in 2007 with the release of Halo 3.
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