Search results for: dungeon crawling

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Dungeon crawling with a twist in Dungeonoid 2 Awakening

Prepare for a nostalgic journey through classic dungeon crawling with a block-busting twist in Dungeonoid 2 Awakening. 

The cooperative dungeon crawling of Blightbound is now available on Xbox, PlayStation and Steam

Got a friend or two who will be happy to join you in some cooperative dungeon crawling? Blightbound should well be the answer to your woes. 

Roundguard on Xbox One, Switch and PS4 mixes Peggle with dungeon crawling roguelike action 

Remember Peggle? Brilliant wasn't it? Well, The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild and WonderBelly obviously think so too as with the launch of Roundguard on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4, it is that hugely addictive Peggle action which they are combining with some fun roguelike dungeon crawling.

Vaporum brings steampunk dungeon crawling to Xbox One. Nintendo Switch coming soon.

There are many ways you can get a dungeon crawling fix, but Vaporum has rocked up on to Xbox One to prove once and for all that grid-based steampunk crawling is the way to go! Hasn't it?

Dungeon crawling RPG Infinite Adventures arrives on Xbox One

It's been inspired by the most classic of dungeon based RPGs, but this one comes with a few new ideas surrounding the likes of exploration, combat and progression. Does Infinite Adventurers have enough draw to drag you in?

Episodic dungeon crawling arrives on Xbox One with Korgan and its free prologue and multiplayer

A decent dungeon crawler will always go down well and today Korgan drops into the lives of gamers. But what makes this different? Well, the episodic nature is obviously something a little different to the norm, but so is the opportunity to take in Korgan for free. 

Defenders of Ekron blends dungeon-crawling, adventure, sci-fi and shoot-em-up on Xbox One, PS4 and PC

If you are in the market for an extremely colourful, exhilarating and sometimes challenging shoot-em-up type deal, then Defenders of Ekron is one new title that you should take a look at.

FATE: Reawakened Reimagines a Classic Dungeon Crawler for Consoles and PC

It'll soon be time to delve into the depths of nostalgia with a modern twist in FATE: Reawakened.

Dungeons of Hinterberg Review

Dungeons of Hinterberg is proof that a mash-ups of genres can work.

From Law Books to Magic Swords: Dungeons of Hinterberg comes to Xbox and PC Game Pass

Dungeons of Hinterberg looks to blend the dungeon-crawling of an exhilarating action-RPG, with the laid-back notes found within a social sim.