It's been nearly a year since we first heard of Mia and the Dragon Princess, but finally a fully confirmed release date for Wales Interactive's next FMV is known. And pre-order opportunities open too.
Having played Ten Dates, we were clearly still in the dating mood, as we took the opportunity to speed-date two of its creative forces: Paul Raschid, the writer-director of Ten Dates, and Charlie Maher, who plays Ryan in the game.
Already on Steam and Nintendo Switch, a new interactive FMV thriller starts to play out on Xbox. Will you look to discover what is on The Dark Side of the Moon?
After being considered a bit of a joke genre during the ‘90s, the FMV genre is excelling recently. And one of the best in the business – Paul Raschid of The Complex and Five Dates fame – is back with another curious FMV tale for players to enjoy. The Gallery is out today on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch.
If you know about the full motion video game scene, then you’ll know about Wales Interactive. Already famed for numerous titles (Bloodshore Five Dates, The Complex), it’s that team who have now detailed the first of three new interactive movie announcements, providing details in regards Mia and the Dragon Princess.
We've long been fans of what Wales Interactive have been able to bring the gaming scene, with the FMV kings having pushed out a huge number of titles over the years. The next on their hitlist is that of 'Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?' - and this is definitely an eccentric little interactive murder mystery you'll want to take in.
Full-motion video games have come into their own in the last few years, with those at Wales Interactive pretty much behind the very best of them. Today though it's time for a slightly different idea to come to the fore as Bloodshore rolls out onto Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, PC and iOS as an interactive FMV that is fully focused on the Battle Royale world.