Cheap little platformers are pretty much two-a-penny on console. But still we lap up the treats, flocking as soon as a new one lands. FoxyRush looks to be no different.
Foxyland 2 on Xbox One is not a good challenge, as the majority of the difficult moments are due to off controls, poor hit detection and the 1-hit deaths. The aesthetics are great, but the core gameplay is incredibly frustrating
It was only a couple of short months ago when we first saw the Ratalaika Games porting team publishing Foxyland on console. And it turned out to be a fun fluffy frolic through the life of Foxy Fox. Today though it's time to head back to the same world with the launch of Foxyland 2 on Xbox One, PS4, PS Vita and Nintendo Switch.
So, what does the fox say? This fox says that FoxyLand on Xbox One is an enjoyable enough little adventure with enough platforming goodness to see you to the end, but lacks any sort of imagination to truly distinguish itself from a rapid growing market of retro platformers.
If you're feeling foxy then there is only one game for you - Foxyland, and it is now available on Xbox One, PS4 and PS Vita with a Nintendo Switch launch just around the corner.
Playing the latest offering from Ratalaika Games, Forests, Fields and Fortresses, gives you the opportunity to step into the shoes of a ruler and expand your kingdom.