Search results for: nikoli w

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Puzzle by Nikoli W Kakuro Review

Puzzle by Nikoli W Kakuro is inelegant, and far from the quality we expect from the masters at Nikoli. We’re going to leave it for only the rainiest of rainy days.

Puzzle by Nikoli W Kakuro is your latest Xbox brain teaser

Available as the latest game in the prolific mind-bending series, Puzzle by Nikoli W Kakuro releases on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S to provide a new test of the mind.

Puzzle by Nikoli W Hitori Review

Puzzle by Nikoli W Hitori is really rather good. It’s not the best in the series: we tend to enjoy the swifter, more elegant puzzle types. But it is demanding with a satisfying sense of reward. 

Puzzle by Nikoli W Hitori on Xbox will get you colouring in number grids – AGAIN!

Over the course of the last ten months or so, the Xbox world has been hit with a host of puzzle games. The latest is now here - are you ready to get some number joy with Puzzle by Nikoli W Hitori on Xbox?

Puzzle by Nikoli W Yajilin Review

Puzzle by Nikoli W Yajilin finds itself near the front of the puzzling peloton. It’s not unique enough to be sprinting out front, but it’s so polished and friction-free that it’s the best of the following rest.

Puzzle by Nikoli W Yajilin releases on Xbox

We're not sure how Nikoli W can keep churning out the puzzle hits, but it seems as if there is no end to the plethora of Puzzle by Nikoli W titles releasing into the market. The latest is that of Puzzle by Nikoli W Yajilin. 

Puzzle By Nikoli W Numberlink Review

We’re not angry, we’re just disappointed. But we’ll let Puzzle By Nikoli W off: they’ve nailed so many puzzle games in the past that we’ll forgive them one stinker. Because that’s what Puzzle By Nikoli W Numberlink ultimately is: an unsatisfying meander into trial-and-error that leaves a bad smell in the nostrils. 

Get your mental mathematical fix with the release of Puzzle by Nikoli W Numberlink on Xbox

Available right now to purchase, download and play through, testing our mental mathematics as we go, is Puzzle by Nikoli W Numberlink on Xbox.

Puzzle by Nikoli W Shikaku Review

We’ve never played a Shikaku before, but we’re Shik-hot at them now.

Use logic to solve the tests found in Puzzle by Nikoli W Shikaku

We were getting worried. It's been more than a month since the last 'Puzzle by Nikoli W' game arrived on Xbox shores and for a brief minute we thought the ideas had dried up. We were wrong as Puzzle by Nikoli W Shikaku releases on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.