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Wordsweeper by POWGI Review

Wordsweeper by POWGI is another good entry.

Word Web by POWGI Review

What starts off as a seemingly impossible challenge quickly becomes one of the best POWGI games for logical thinking. Word Web by POWGI not only ramps the difficulty up, but also the satisfaction of completing a puzzle.

Word Maze by POWGI Review

Word Maze by POWGI is a timely reminder of how fun these unique puzzle games can be. And this is easily up there with some of the best ones to come out of the minds of Lightwood Games.

Crossovers by POWGI Review

Crossovers by POWGI is another example of what the POWGI games do best; take existing puzzle types and mash them together for something fun and unique.

Letterbox by POWGI Review

Lightwood Games have been serving up word-based puzzle games for quite a while, yet they still appear to be full of ideas in order to continue expanding their POWGI series. The most recent instalment, Sixty Words by POWGI, was possibly their most ambitious to-date with a clever spin on the classic wordsearch. Now though, Letterbox by POWGI has to follow it somehow, but can it deliver another unique word game for us to indulge in?

Sixty Words by POWGI Review

Sixty Words by POWGI is still a quintessential POWGI game. That is, taking an existing puzzle trope and adding a unique spin to it. But the additional paint-by-words mechanic may just be enough for those that haven’t played a POWGI game to give this one a try - if only to see what all the fuss is about.

Word Wheel by POWGI Review

Word Wheel by POWGI is still just a fancy way of working through some wordplay, and that will either appeal or not, but for us this Word Wheel rolls along very nicely indeed.

Wordbreaker by POWGI Review

Wordbreaker isn’t just a solid Wordle clone, it is also one of the best POWGI games out on Xbox.

Just a Phrase by POWGI Review

If you're a fan of the puns that have featured in previous POWGI games, then Just a Phrase by POWGI sits just ahead of the others that have been before. Now these puns are the answers and help make what would otherwise be a generic Hangman clone far more interesting and funnier.

Flowers by POWGI Review

We expect Flowers by POWGI to be more divisive than the average POWGI title. Rather than serve up a number of knotty puzzles to be unravelled, these are to be done at speed. They’re easy, they’re swift, and you’ll get through dozens in an afternoon.