Ratyboy Adventures, from the dev team over at 909games and published by Weakfish Studio Publishing, aims to have you pulling out your hair, as you shave off those precious milliseconds!
As if by magic, January has gone and February 2022 is on the horizon. And you know what that means? New free games coming our way via the monthly Xbox Games With Gold scheme. If you're in the market for some new games to play, but don't want to pay for them, you're very much sorted with the February 2022 offerings.
There aren’t many games that are built from the ground up to be speedrun. Aeon Drive, sequel to Dimension Drive, is not only built for that community: it’s got dedicated and respected speedrunners already parkouring through it, setting times, posting videos and creating competitions. So, how do you build a game for this purpose? We sat down with David Jimenez, Lead Game Designer and Co-Founder of 2Awesome Studio, to find out.
Combining first person platforming, a bit of speedrunning and plenty of puzzles, DeadCore has arrived on Xbox One. The question is - after a release on PC a good few years back, is it something Xbox One owners should be looking at?