Get ready for a tank-tastic holiday celebration and win some World of Tanks Premium Account access as the Winter Fest hits World of Tanks Modern Armor!
It's been about a year since the EpiXR Games team had us shooting through the sweetness of Sugar Tanks. Now it's time to jump back in with the sequel - Sugar Tanks 2.
By our reckoning, EpiXR Games have already been behind the launch of five 'Tanky' games to date. Seems like they may as well drop another then, eh? Well, that's exactly what is happening with launch of Adventure Tanks to Xbox.
You can probably hazard a guess at what type of game Tanks, But No Tanks on Xbox is. Yep, it's that good old arena-based tank shooter. Fancy giving it a play?
Available right now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S is Cyber Tank. A Cyberpunk-powered tank? We don't know, but what we do know is that Rapid Snail and Xitilon are looking to deliver a different take on the usual Sokoban joys.
Tricky Tanks on Xbox is available right now. It's priced at £4.19 and tasks you with taking to the couch alongside friends, before trying to blast the living daylights out of them. Destroy them!