Search results for: tower defense

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Back to the Jurassic: DayD: Tower Rush is a Prehistoric Tower Defense Adventure

We don't know how they do it, but 8floor Games are back with another new game. This time it's the debut of a new franchise too, as DayD: Tower Rush sets up home on Xbox. 

Lesson Learned is a bizarro tower defense on Xbox and PC

Available to play on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC is Lesson Learned. It's from those at Gaming Factory, following on from the prologue adventures of Lesson Learned: Cult of the Elizabeth.

Protect the fairy kingdom with Call of Heroes: Tower Defense

We don't know why evil creatures are trying to take over the fairy kingdom, but it's up to us to stop them in their tracks. We'll be doing that in Call of Heroes: Tower Defense on Xbox. 

Mixing tower defense and survival – Hell Well is on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC

If you're a gamer of a certain age, you may just adore Hell Well. Others meanwhile are likely to dismiss it from the get-go. Whatever, you can play it now on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch. 

Call of Toys: Tower Defense is on Xbox

It may not quite be Christmas, but it IS time to protect Santa's Valley from all evil. It's that which is the main focus for Call of Toys: Tower Defense on Xbox. 

Dead Ground is a tower defense roguelike on Xbox

Dead Ground - releasing today on Xbox consoles, following prior PC and Switch forays - sees you defend your base from a variety of foes in this post-apocalyptic wasteland. 

Bish Bash Bots is Overcooked! mixed with tower defense brawling!

Announced by Firestoke and Catastrophic_Overload is Bish Bash Bots, a new tower defense, strategic Overcooked! mash-up.

The most acclaimed of Tower Defense games, Kingdom Rush lands on Xbox

For more than a decade the Kingdom Rush franchise has been drawing in Tower Defense fans. And in that time it's picked up huge acclaim across the board, mostly on PC via Steam and mobile. Now it's time for that series to hit the world of Xbox. 

Broken Universe – Tower Defense Review

On PC and mobile, we suspect that Broken Universe - Tower Defense is bordering on a must-buy. On Xbox, we’d suggest it’s one to bypass.

Fix your mistake by saving the world in Broken Universe – Tower Defense

I have given – and received – my fair share of dodgy presents over the years. But this one takes the biscuit for bad presents. Find out what it is in Broken Universe – Tower Defense, out today on Xbox.