There was a lot of content to go at with this little Advance Wars cartridge, from tutorials that taught you all you needed to know about the game, to the campaign mode, and even the War Room mode; a score chasing mode where you attempted to win in the fastest time while losing the minimal units. Add in a multiplayer mode using the Link Cable, and this really was an all round great game, which to this day is still sitting at a 92/100 score on Metacritic.
1C Entertainment know a thing or two about video games, having previously been behind the likes of King's Bounty, Ancestors Legacy, Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark and more. The next game in their sights is that of Reverie Knights Tactics - and it'll be coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC in the fall of 2021.
Turn based strategy titles aren't known for being quick one shot affairs, and that's most definitely true of the latest to hit Xbox One - Super Dungeon Tactics.
Keylocker, a Cyberpunk turn-based rhythm JRPG, has officially launched today on Xbox Series X|S, PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.
Set in a future...
The Underworld of Annwn awaits as The Land Beneath Us brings its turn-based roguelite dungeon crawling action to Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch.