Due to the Christmas period, it’s been a few weeks since our last look back with ‘A Week In The Hub’, but now the Xbox news has started rolling again, it’s time for us to get rounding up the best Xbox One and Xbox 360 news, reviews and opinions from the last seven days. Which of the many articles that were published on our pages between the 3rd-9th Jan 2016 should you be checking out?
ARK: Survival Evolved Xbox One Preview
Whether you’re a fan of the Xbox One Game Preview program or not, there is no debating that it comes into its own with titles like ARK: Survival Evolved.
The massive dinosaur filled world is now open to those who wish to get involved a bit early and whilst there are quite obviously issues to be seen, if you do decide to jump on the back of that Bronto prior to its proper June release date, then you will find something rather special.
Prepare to die a lot, but get your head around things, throwing the hours in and you’ll find one of the deepest, richest games that is currently available on Xbox One. Perhaps that Preview program ain’t all so bad? Our full preview answers those questions.
Lovely Planet Review
In need of a first person shooter but can’t be bothered to spend silly money on the latest Battlefield of Call of Duty title? How about you delve into the digital Xbox One scene?
Lovely Planet has just arrived on Xbox One, promising an infinite ammo, first person shooting experience like no other. With simple pastel visuals and an old school feel to it, Lovely Planet is certainly different to what we have come to know and love about shooters.
But does the ridiculously hard gameplay bring enough to Xbox One to drag the gamers in from the big AAA shooters? Our review should tempt you in…or push you well away!
Top 5 Easiest Xbox One Game Completions of 2015
For many, achievements make the world go round. 2015 brought about a huge number of Xbox One titles, perhaps more than most of us can afford to buy. With that in mind, there are many out there who are just looking to pick up games in order to achieve the full 1000GS in a record amount of time. What games should you be picking up in order to help you increase that gamerscore?
Well, Whispering Willows is certainly an easy one – check out our article though for the five games you really should be splashing the cash on.
Top 5 Hardest Xbox One Game Completions of 2015
Whilst gamerscore lovers will enjoy the games listed in the article above, in complete contrast, there are some strange folk out there who wish to put themselves through the mill in order to garner a huge score. There are a number of games that only release points and achievements to those who grind away forever more…but which are the games that really test your gaming skills? This little lot will keep you going for some time yet!
Just don’t blame us when you’re ttempting to land that ship on Elite Dangerous, or still a million or so kills away from the Seriously cheevo on Gears!
Top 10 most anticipated Xbox One games of 2016
With 2016 now in full swing, it’s a great time to take a look at some of the Xbox One titles that we’ll be firing up on our consoles throughout 2016.
From the likes of Unravel dropping early in the year, the scares of Doom and the strange going-ons of Quantum Break before going back in time with Far Cry Primal, the Xbox One will be treated to a huge range of titles in 2016. Whilst all of the above are hugely anticipated, perhaps there are one or two that stand out even more. Alec posts his thoughts on why Dark Souls III and Mass Effect Andromeda are at the top of his list! Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.
Catch you next week!