HomeTheXboxHub FeaturesA week in The HubA Week In The Hub: 14th-20th Dec 2014

A Week In The Hub: 14th-20th Dec 2014


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For the last time this year, let us look back and give our opinions on the best Xbox One and Xbox 360 news, reviews and videos from the last seven days. What a bloody good way to end 2014!

And as we’ve been winding down for the Xmas season, this weeks AWITH will be considerably shorter than normal.

We shall start with a couple of big news stories that got everyone talking though, the biggest of which must be the joint operation between Mojang and Telltale Games with Minecraft: Story Mode. We’ve been told that it won’t be the official life story of Steve, so how it will roll is anyones guess, but we’re fairly certain it’ll be a smash hit as the vast majority of things both Mojang and indeed Telltale touch normally turn to gold!

minecraft pic 2


Just as interesting is the fact that Xbox One Preview Program members can now gain access to a few days of the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta. If you are part of the program, make sure you check your Xbox Live messages pronto, otherwise you’ll need to wait another ten days or so in order to join the public beta at the end of the year.

….and if you’re looking for something a bit more long term, then the announcement that EA have now added EA Sports UFC to the EA Access Vault should be something to make your ears prick up. The EA Access Hub (and indeed the Vault) is, in our opinion, a superb way of gaining access to games that you may not otherwise play. With eight titles in all now available to all those who hold the Access card, you really should be getting involved.

If none of that is to your liking, then how do the trailers listed below take your fancy?


Finally for this quick edition of AWITH, let me point you in the direction of our latest reviews.

You may remember that we’ve recently given away a PDP Afterglow Karga Xbox One Stereo Headset (congrats to our winner btw), but now our full thoughts on the Karga headset are available for a read. If you’re after a set of cans that aren’t going to break the bank but do bring something new to the table, then the Afterglow Kargas should be on your shortlist.

Games-wise, three new reviews dropped onto TheXboxHubs pages and you can read our thoughts on the latest Pinball FX2 table, that of Venom just here or our slightly belated review of Sunset Overdrive on this link. If you’re still gaming on the Xbox 360 and have a couple of kids in the house, then you may be interested to look at JUJU, the most recent of XBLA releases. It’s possibly the least offensive game that we’ve ever played so could be a good call to get those kids involved in a bit of gaming. Have a check of our review here.

juju boss

And before you go and start celebrating the holidays, feel free to have a little look at our ‘Best Xbox One Games of 2014‘ list. We’ve detailed all the games that have managed to go home with the coveted 5/5 TXH stars in 2014…is your GOTY on this list?

This will be the last ‘A Week In The Hub’ of 2014 but you can be sure we’ll see you again in 2015. Thanks for keeping us going.

Have a good one!


Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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