HomeTheXboxHub News...Are you ready for a carnival of carnage? Rage...

Are you ready for a carnival of carnage? Rage 2 is coming and the first trailer is here!



Coming from a combination of the masters of open world mayhem, Avalanche Studios, and the gods of shooting, id Software, RAGE 2 promises to pack in carnage, pandemonium and a whole load more when it releases in Spring, 2019 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC… especially if you take the first gameplay trailer as a starting point!

RAGE 2 follows the story of Walker, the last Ranger of Vineland as he takes the fight to the most dystopian world in which he was born. With mankind in peril, the decades that follow an asteroid’s devastation sees most of the Earth become a wildland for bloodthirsty factions, as various civilizations try to claim their place in the world.

Expect to be treated to an experience that utilises a wide array of weapons, vehicles and strange powers, as Walker sets off to take down the tyrannical Authority in a huge open world shooterverse created by mixing up the shooting pedigree of id Software, and the utter mayhem that comes about whenever Avalanche Studios get involved. You’ll get to experience swamplands, jungles, open deserts and more as you begin to discover that the world of RAGE 2 is not a quiet one.

But if the gangs and mutants weren’t enough, you and Walker will also have to contend with the Authority, returning antagonists from the first game who threaten anything good remaining in the world. They are led by General Cross, and the Authority is on a renewed mission to hunt down the few remaining pureblood Arkists left in the world, willing to slaughter everyone to achieve their goals.

And that is where Walker’s wealth of unique guns and gear comes in – and both you and he will need every single one of those powerful weapons to defend the wild wasteland that he calls home.

But it won’t just be weapons that you get the chance to use and among the arrows Walker can choose from his Nanotrite ability quiver, are the power to crush enemies into paste from above thanks to a devastating slam attack ,or send them flying away from him with a lethal energy push.

You will also quickly learn to channel these Nanotrites into weapons, pushing them into an awe-inspiring Overdrive, a unique skill that sees Walker able to push his guns beyond their limits and unleash absolute hell on his foes. Chaining these abilities together to make Walker a powerhouse of destruction, quickly refilling his Overdrive meter, is key, because that is when the guns will do more damage, new attributes will be gained, enemies drop the better rewards and Walker’s health starts to regenerate. You’ll need all that to overturn the trickiest of fights.


So, that’s it for now. But grab your diaries, set your alarms and fill in your calendar for Sunday June 10th 2018 at 6:30pm Pacific time when RAGE 2 will blow the god damn roof off of Bethesda’s #BE3 showcase!

It’s gonna be great.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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