Neil Watton

An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.

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Latest Articles:

Game Pass Delivers a Knockout with New Games, While Others Face the Exit

It's time for the mid-month Game Pass shuffle and this week we welcome in a couple of new games to the service, all as a number more depart!

Star Salvager: A Retro Mashup That’s Out of This World!

Would you call yourself an arcade enthusiast or puzzle lover? Star Slavager may well be the mashup you need.

Super Onion Boy+ Brings Retro Platforming Action to Consoles

Super Onion Boy+ is a heroic adventure with a pungent twist! And it's now on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch.

Unsolved Case: The Scarlet Hyacinth – A Serial Killer Stalks Xbox

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The Xbox 360 Summer Of Arcade 2013

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GTA V – Brand new gameplay video

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Latest Reviews

Rivenaar’s Grove Review

Rivenaar’s Grove is an extremely simple yet mildly enjoyable puzzler. It provides a way to kill an hour or two, and isn’t remotely taxing on the old grey matter.

Unwording Review

Unwording comes with a positive message and creative gameplay mechanics.

Sokomonster Review

With a low asking price and promise of easy Gamerscore, we’re sure Sokomonster will appeal to a few.

Songs of Silence Review

Songs of Silence is an excellent entry into the 4X and strategy genre, even more so when you consider that titles in this niche are relatively thin on the ground on consoles.

SokoCrab Review

SokoCrab is about as simple a Sokoban puzzler as you are going to get - and it’s equally as gifting as a Gamerscore provider.