Ryan Taylor

Grew up playing the Nintendo 64 where I fell in love with the Legend of Zelda series. As I got older though my console of choice changed, first to PS2, and then finally to the Xbox 360, which I've been playing on for over a decade now. And since my first day booting up my Xbox, I've upgraded consoles and even built a gaming PC. Because at the end of the day I just love gaming.

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Latest Articles:

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist Review

NDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is a great metroidvania

Nine Sols Review

Anyone looking for a tough metroidvania game, one with an immersive story, needs to check Nine Sols out now.

Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop Review

Yes, the puzzle systems are complex and deep, and it is genuinely satisfying to fully repair a messed up ship in Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop. But the roadblocks to get there are rougher than you may care for.

Death Stranding Director’s Cut Review

If you are looking for a truly unique game, with an off-the-walls story, Death Stranding Director’s Cut will be seen as a treat. 

Dead Dungeon Review

In the simplest terms, Dead Dungeon is an incredibly affordable game that will provide a few hours of fun. It’s by no means perfect, but it does a good job of providing a variety of challenging levels to get through. If you’re looking for a challenging platformer that can be beaten in a weekend, then Dead Dungeon on Xbox One might be the game for you.

Sweet Witches Review

Sweet Witches on Xbox One is a near-perfect example of how you can take a simple concept and turn it into a vibrant game that is non-stop fun. It may be short but there is a host of stuff that has been magnificently created.

Scourgebringer Review

Scourgebringer on Xbox One is a challenging game that is easy to get sucked into. The mechanics are solid, the artstyle clean, and there is a ton of replayability because, frankly, you’ll need to play it a ton if you want to get to the last boss. If you’re a fan of games like Enter the Gungeon and you’re open to a shift in perspective, then make sure Scourgebringer is the next game you play.

Shantae Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut Review

Shantae: Risky’s Revenge - Director’s Cut on Xbox One is a fun and unique game that I can definitely recommend picking up. Again, it’s not going to be a hardcore platformer with a crazy elaborate story, but it will be a relaxed adventure with incredibly catchy music.

Reflection of Mine Review

It’s a niche game with hyper-difficult gameplay that on its own isn’t a bad thing, and hardcore puzzle-solvers would probably enjoy working through Reflection of Mine on Xbox One. But the issues with the writing and plot, as well as the use of mental illness stereotypes for shock value, just rubs me the wrong way.

Birthday of Midnight Review

If you want to kill some time or you feel like boosting your Gamerscore, then Birthday of Midnight on Xbox One is a cheap buy that will take up a couple hours of your time. It also comes with a very Halloweeny theme, and a soundtrack that fits the vibe, so it could be a good way to get into that spooky spirit.

Little Big Workshop Review

Little Big Workshop on Xbox One is fun, first and foremost, and if a patch is released that fixes the issues in place I would definitely recommend picking it up. But until then, if you are unfortunate enough to encounter progress-halting bugs then you will most likely be forced to restart. And it doesn’t matter who you are, losing all of your progress to glitches isn’t fun.

MonsterBlast Review

If you’re looking for a casual experience and an easy 1000 Gamerscore than MonsterBlast on Xbox One might be the game for you.

The Drone Racing League Simulator Review

As a simulator I can rate it fairly highly, despite its issues. Everything feels real and I can definitely see how it would improve someone’s ability to actually fly a drone. On the other hand, for casual gamers or people who are looking for a more game-like experience, The Drone Racing League Simulator on Xbox One isn’t going to be the answer. It all comes down to what kind of experience you want.

Perfect Traffic Simulator Review

When all is said and done, the biggest wreck in Perfect Traffic Simulator is the game itself.

Touhou Luna Nights Review

It’s not a perfect game but it is fun and provides a decent challenge. The waifu maid thing may be off-putting for some, but you don’t need to watch or even like anime to enjoy the gameplay. So if you have a free weekend and need a new game to check out, Touhou Luna Nights on Xbox One might be the answer you are looking for. It also doesn’t hurt that it has an incredibly catchy soundtrack.

A Hero and A Garden Review

When all is said and done the only real reason I could find to suggest A Hero and A Garden is the easy 1000G.

Deleveled Review

Probably the best thing about Deleveled on Xbox One is the fact that it feels like some of the levels can be completed in the “wrong” way. By that I mean I could do things that seemed unorthodox and still finish the level. And I think that’s the mark of a good puzzle game - it isn’t confined to a single solution and doesn’t penalize players for attempting to find new ways to complete it.

Control: AWE Review

On the whole the AWE on Xbox One just seems lackluster and doesn’t wrap up Control as nicely as I was hoping it would.

Windbound Review

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when playing Windbound on Xbox One is that there is a bit of an adjustment period to picking up the game. I didn’t boot it up and immediately fall in love with it; the visuals and premise drew me in, while the mechanics took some adjustment. But after a while everything begins to feel pretty good.


Latest Reviews

Big Helmet Heroes Review

Big Helmet Heroes is a lot of fun, either in co-op or single player.

Avowed Review

Avowed is a gripping, utterly absorbing adventure that strikes a pleasing balance in the genre. Once picked up, it’s hard to put down.

Polimines Deluxe Review

Should you possess a logical mind and have plenty of patience, Polimines Deluxe is a very good puzzler; one that is more than capable of giving your brain cells a good workout.

Dreamless Review

Horror fans should have a good time with Dreamless, but it would have been great to see it take that extra step into the darkness.

Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders Review 

More of the same, but brilliantly different, is probably the best way of summing up Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders.