Gareth Brierley

I am an actor and a writer. I act quite a bit on stage, a little bit on tv and never on tuesdays. I have had some of my writing published and have written for TV and stage. I have been playing games since they begun and don't seem to be getting any better.

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New World: Aeternum: A New Hope for MMORPG Fans

New World: Aeternum is just around the corner so I was excited to join up again, taking in the life-absorbing experience through an early access event. 

Tiebreak Review

Even though the gameplay of Tiebreak feels predictable after a while, any fan of the sport should find a great time taking to this court, relishing what is on offer.

Star Trucker Review

You should well love Star Trucker and the opportunities it brings as you spend hours touring the galaxy.


TENSEI is a game that you can dip in and out of at will, perhaps for just five minutes at a time, climbing higher with every effort.

Morphite Review

When NASA initially started considering the first manned missions to the Mars, they had to look at all the possibilities and probabilities; how would man survive for a length of time in space? They took into account the water and food supply, whilst worried over the disintegration of the body and muscles. But the one thing they were really worried about was… boredom. That’s what new space explorer Morphite has to try an address as well, because this explorer sees a lot of jumping between solar systems to be had. It does however mix it with some exciting gameplay. But is that enough to keep the monotony of space travel far away?

Explore the final frontier as Morphite arrives on Xbox One

Space: the final frontier. Are you ready to buckle up, put on your space pants and go out into the unknown and explore new worlds?

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe Review

I know there are lots of problems in the world at this moment in time, but at least we’re not facing my three biggest fears - an alien invasion where we’re all captured and paraded around naked in petting zoos on the moon, fish taking over London, or the invasion of giant robots which are all set to kill us. However the third one is the basis of a new game, Jettomero - but this giant robot isn’t trying to kill us intentionally, he’s trying to save all of human kind.

White Noise 2 Review

Being scared to death, jumping at any tiny sound, feeling the hairs on your arms stand up, and seeing something nasty lurking in the shadows. These are the familiar feelings you might have when experiencing any kind of horror - whether it’s watching the latest scary movie, reading a horrific book or, like me, going out to buy a pint of milk from the local petrol station. And that fear factor gets multiplied even further when there are a few friends sharing the experience… except maybe when my mates and I go to the petrol station together. In the latest game to bring us survival horror, White Noise 2, that’s exactly what the experience does best - playing the nightmare out whilst your online friends are beside you. Hold on... WHAT’S THAT BEHIND YOU???

Life is Strange: Before the Storm – Episode 1 Review

Prequels are strange things. It’s like buying a book, reading the last page first and then ploughing through the book knowing what the ending is going to be. Yes there are interesting ways to tell a story from a different angle, and yes there are some good examples of it, like the new Planet Of The Apes movies for example. But the main problem is you know that the lead characters are not going to die. So what happens if you change the lead, to instead see things focus on the best friend, filling in some of the gaps of that story at the same time? Well my friend, that’s what the new Life is Strange has done. But is it successful?

Planet of the Eyes Review

I think I love robots. Yes, sometimes they turn on their masters and eventually kill all humankind as we know it, but on the bright side they’re a lot of fun - and to be fair there are a lot of good ones around who don’t want to murder you. We’ve already had WALL-E, that weird kid and the teddy bear in AI and Metal Mickey. In Planet of the Eyes there is also a great robot - it has no name, but you will grow to love it as you play through this interesting sci-fi indie game. But will you do the robot dance after playing?

Blacksea Odyssey Review

Space pirates have always been in our hearts and minds. We have the legendary Han Solo, that blue guy in Guardians of the Galaxy and everyone else when I’ve spent time playing Elite Dangerous. Pirates, whether they are in the sea or in deepest space have a romantic air about them, with their swashbuckling antics, treasure plundering and exploration of the unknown. In Blacksea Odyssey the romance of the old salty sea rogue is still very much alive, but this time round you are called a space huntsman instead of a pirate. But the real big question is will you be Captain Blackbeard or Captain Pugwash?

X-Morph: Defense Review

There have been hundreds of films, TV series’ and games about alien invasions. The human race always seems to get destroyed at first, but then we finish up with Will Smith punching an alien in the face whilst muttering the immortal line “Welcome to Earth”. It’s a David and Goliath story we love to see retold again and again. But in X-Morph: Defense the focus has been switched, with us playing as the alien who are invading earth, whilst those pesky humans are the enemy. But is it as good as Will Smith’s first contact with an alien race?

Don’t Knock Twice Review

Numbers and horror have gone together forever. The way you have to say “Candyman” five times before he appears, room number 237 in The Shining where everything and anything horrific happens to the family looking after the hotel, and Friday the 13th Part 7 for just… being a terrible train wreck of a film. Well, Wales Interactive have brought us a new horror title, and it has a number in the title too. But is it as scary as a pair of twin girls in a hallway, or about as terrifying as your uncle with a sheet over his head moaning in the downstairs cupboard?

Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition Review

The world of the RPG always makes me remember back to my time playing D&D in a caravan with two mates decades ago. Back then it wasn’t trendy or cool to like playing D&D, there were no Stranger Things and you found the bars of London full of roleplayers eating hummus. It was a sort of secret affair that you did in the shadows. When I get to play a game like Pillars of Eternity all those feelings come rushing back and I long for complicated character development, interesting and deep story arcs, and bloody huge magical weapons. But does Pillars of Eternity make me relive fond childhood memories or childhood nightmares?

Ultimate RPG experience Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition lands on Xbox One

Prepare yourself for an adventure of a lifetime. An adventure which will involve battles, learning about your inner soul, learning about ancient lore, some more battles, some relationship bonding and a lot of exploring strange beautiful but dangerous lands. Are you ready for it? Well if you are and you like your RPGs full of the above, then Pillars of Eternity could be a must purchase for you.

Thumper Review

There’s a certain type of game that captures your heart, even when it’s tearing it apart. There’s a certain type of game that makes you want to throw the controller through the window, but you still wonder that if you spend just five minutes more with it, it might just get a little bit better. There’s a certain type of game that can make you feel like you have feet for hands, whilst on another day, when the sun is shining, you have become the god of gaming. That type of game is Thumper.

>observer_ Review

Rutger Hauer once played the ultimate robot, sorry replicant, Roy Batty who questions humanity and goes on a murder spree to find his maker. The film was Blade Runner and since its release in the ‘80s, its legacy and influence has spawned a million films, music videos, photo shoots, architecture and of course games. “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe” Roy Batty once said and never has a truer word been said of new cyberpunk game >observer_. Coming straight from the developers of indie horror game Layers of Fear, be prepared for your mind to be observed… and maybe destroyed.

The Long Dark Review

“Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive” once said the Bee Gees - maybe prophetically, as they could easily have been talking up their experiences of playing the The Long Dark.

Tacoma Review

Movies, TV and games are happy to depict people travelling through space. But it never ends well, does it? You’ll never get a successful plot line that documents the breeding habits of a space ant colony or the detailed examination of photosynthesis in zero gravity. It’s always aliens, space madness, weirder aliens, and a crew mutiny resulting in horror or system malfunctions of some kind of super computer. That last one is where Tacoma comes in, as we are charged with examining the inner workings of a crew on a space station who run into a life-changing event. But is it Interstellar or Space Truckers?

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Latest Reviews

Shogun Showdown Review

Shogun Showdown is a very cool and addictive turn-based combat game that will test your tactical prowess.

SokoPenguin Review

SokoPenguin is a cute puzzler that suffers due to an emphasis on quantity over quality.

Sokolab Review

Sokolab manages to conjure up puzzles that are of a high quality, something rarely seen in the realm of Sokoban-style offerings.

Yars Rising Review

Yars Rising takes the fundamentals of Yars’ Revenge and applies a lengthy metroidvania experience on top of it, creating a surprisingly fun game.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a solid and enjoyable blast-a-thon with a good story to go along with the gory action.