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Beat the New Year Silence with the latest Rock Band DLC


The party season may be over, but the beats will never stop in the land of Rock Band and today we see the first DLC tracks of 2018 hit the game. Can you muster up the energy to enjoy them?

Available right now for all Xbox One and PS4 Rock Band 4 players to enjoy are three new tracks. Priced at £1.59 each, they are a great way of allowing rockers to see in the new year in style, giving reason to fire up Rock Band and get the band together once more.

They are:

  • Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence
  • The Go-Go’s – We Got The Beat
  • Natalie Imbruglia – Torn

If you are done with the cheese of the new year party, and are just looking for something to rock out to with mates, then you should be heading for a digital store near you right now. For us Xbox One Rock Band 4 players, then that quite obviously means the Microsoft Store, whilst those over on PS4 should pay their own store a little visit.

Don’t forget to let us know if you’ll be celebrating the arrival of 2018 in style with these latest Rock Band 4 DLC additions. You can post in the comments section below, over on our forums, or by hitting us up on all the usual social media channels.

Rock on!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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