Not long now till the arrival of The Legend of Korra video game, and so we’ve been treated to two behind the scenes videos to increase our excitement for it.
The first part of this behind the scenes double featurette focuses on Titmouse and their role in charge of creating the story cut scenes for The Legend of Korra. They certainly have the pedigree for it as they originally designed for the Nickelodeon television series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Considering Korra’s roots it makes sense to put the trust in the hands of Titmouse.
The second featurette is more about the developer, Platinum Games, as they delve into the plot of the game and the combat. As she is able to control all four elements you can create powerful combos to keep the enemies at bay. See for yourself…
Behind the scenes with Titmouse Inc.
Behind the scenes with Platinum Games
The Legend of Korra is expected to arrive on 22nd October on the Xbox Games Store for Xbox One and Xbox 360.