HomeTheXboxHub News...Celebrate the biggest blockbusters with the latest Generation Zero...

Celebrate the biggest blockbusters with the latest Generation Zero DLC set


generation zero blockbuster vanity dlc

An Interceptor, Ecto-Scientist, Xeno-Specialist and Annihilator walked into a bar. “What do we have here?” asked the barman. Well, only the latest Generation Zero DLC, of course.

Generation Zero is a game that embraces all things 1980s and that is no more true than with the latest DLC addition that has become available for purchase and download. The Generation Zero – Blockbuster Vanity Pack will set you back just £2.59, but for that price you can expect to get access to four sweet new costumes and six lovely emotes.

Expressing your love for the ’80s is what Generation Zero allows and in-between taking down mammoth machines in the Swedish countryside, it lets you live out your fantasies with plenty of costume types. We’ve previously seen the free Tubular Vanity kit arrive, but today is all about the iconic outfits from some of the decades’ most famous blockbusters.

That means you’ll see all of the following in place, alongside those 6 emotes that will let you pull off a Pop Princess, One Step, the Bump, the Running Man, a Salute or Air Punch…

  • Interceptor Set: The sands of the desert may have been replaced by the dark foliage of the woodlands but that doesn’t make it any less unforgiving. With the Interceptor Set, you can wear a dashing leather outfit and goggles as you take the fight to your enemies. For it is a most glorious day and even if you don’t have a battle plan in place, you need to survive no matter what.
  • Ecto-Scientist Set: It might be hard to know who you are going to call in the case of hostile machines roaming the countryside, but when wearing the Ecto-Scientist Set you aren’t afraid of no machines. Put on your jumpsuit, grab a pair of high-tech goggles, and grab your favorite gun. You may not have to worry about crossing any streams but you can still arrive to the action, observe the scene, and kick the machines in the posterior.
  • Xeno-Specialist Set: With the population gone, no one can hear you scream for help. So channel your inner hero through the Xeno-Specialist Set, with a wild hairdo, ammo straps, and highrise shoes. For the machines are not only incredibly hostile but also structurally perfect. That doesn’t mean a few well-placed bullets won’t take them down though.
  • Annihilator Set: You become the ultimate killing machine when donning the Annihilator Set, perhaps not in combat but most definitely in looks. With a studded jacket, colorful t-shirt, and boots you will look absolutely deadly as you lay your ambushes, line up your shots, and slowly walk away from exploding cars.

Wil you be grabbing this DLC? Are you still battling away in the base game? Let us know in the comments.

DLC Description:

Everyone knows that the summer season is a perfect time to sit back with an action-packed blockbuster and let the movie magic happen. And few decades had such excellent ones as the 1980s, so in tribute to some of those, you can now mix and match between 4 iconic new outfits as well as express your love for them using 6 emotes.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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