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Click ’em up with Lord of the Click II on Xbox


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Are you ready to click, click, click and click some more? It’s time to become the Lord of the Click yet again, as the sequel emerges. 

Available to purchase and download on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Lord of the Click II follows on from the previously released Lord of the Click to deliver players to a land that is in need of some serious interaction. As long as that interaction involves clicking stuff like your life depends on it. 

Priced at a mere £4.19, Lord of the Click II comes with updated visuals, a variety of gameplay innovations and the chance to click away with a friend in tow, all thanks to a cooperative mode. Just be aware that the general idea pushed out with the original game is still here, as you’re left to click your way to success, finding a ton of glory in the process. 

There are a variety of clickers available on console, with the likes of the utterly addictive Clicker Heroes right up there with the best of them. Now though it’s time for Lord of the Click II to stand up and be counted. You can pick it up from the Xbox Store for play on Xbox One and/or Xbox Series X|S. 

Hold tight for a review from us soon. 

Game Description:

Yes! Oh my gosh! Hell yeah! This long-promised day has finally come with the release of the game that kills not only your time but your calories as well! The return of the legendary Lord of the Click has happened so suddenly and with a number «II» on the end. Some might say: «Pffft! Why does perfection need a sequel?» We’ll reply with: «Pffft! This is a perfect sequel to perfection!» (with a number «II» on the end). You will ask us: «Are there any new features that you, a respected Kazakh game developer, have incorporated into your flawless masterpiece?» I’ll smile lightly, sit firmly on my armchair and will tell you without any hesitation: «My boy, we’ve added a cooperative mode for you, pal. And now you can learn the truth about this very important thing — who mashes the button faster, you or your granny?». Add this feature to another set of new options: epic in-game campaign created with updated visuals, gameplay innovations for nerds who prefer to consider their moves during the game session, and finally this top-notch marketing text that will help you to buy this game without further ado. Your arms are basically targeted to press that PURCHASE button. Or do they not?

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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