Done with the whole Yakuza Remastered thing? Ready to head to Japan once more? Looking to tackle the mean streets of Tokyo in hope that you can unravel the mystery behind a series of utterly grisly murders? Judgment is for you, and after previously releasing on PS4 in 2019, SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio are pushing it out to the next-gen, with launches on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and Google Stadia arriving in April.Â
Whether you’ve played Judgment previously or not matters little – just be prepared for an action adventure full of mystery, RPG elements, a ton of blood and some serious violence. When? Well, how about a release on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and Google Stadia on April 23rd 2021? Sounds good, doesn’t it.Â
Judgment on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and Stadia will see you whisked away to the streets of Kamarocho, Tokyo, playing things out as the disgraced attorney turned rugged private detective, Takayuki Yagami. It is he – and you – who is joined by his partner, ex-yazuka Masaharu Kaito, as he claws his way through Kamurocho’s criminal underground to unravel the truth – as painful as it may be.
Judgment will come to next-gen with all the usual offerings you would expect – refined visuals in 60 frames per second along with improved load times. It also includes all previously released DLC on these three platforms so you’ll be getting the ultimate experience.Â
With more than a hint of the best Yakuza bits about it, expect to experience tough street fights, get involved in dozens of engrossing side missions and break things up with some comedic mini-games. Should you ever have wanted to live the private detective life and are looking for a world full of thrills, spills, combat and intensity, Judgment is going to be for you.Â
We’ll remind you when that April 23rd 2021 release date of Judgment on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and Google Stadia rolls around. If you can’t wait that long, the PS4 edition will have to cover your needs. For now though, hit up the trailer.Â