Still battling away in The Division? You’ll love today’s expansion!
Available now on Xbox One and PC, Underground comes as part of The Division’s Season Pass or, as is normally the case, can be purchased separately for £11.99. If you’re a PS4 owner, then you’ll need to wait until August 2nd to get involved.
The Underground expansion will allow agents to fight a war on two fronts. Below the streets of New York, enemy factions are regrouping and preparing a large-scale attack and players will need to confront these threats with up to three friends as they explore randomly generated subways, tunnels and sewers, all whilst recovering powerful loot. While in Hell’s Kitchen, the Dragon’s Nest Incursion offers the biggest challenge to date where, the Cleaners are developing a devastating new weapon and have set their sights on the Base of Operations as their first target.
You’ll also be able to get your hands on some new Gear Sets. Details as follows:
- B.L.I.N.D. – Control the battlefield with an improved Pulse skill and flashbangs with this hybrid gear set.
- DeadEYE – Dictate long-range engagements with powerful critical strikes or accurate headshots.
- FireCrest – Set enemies ablaze with this offensive gear set.
- Reclaimer – Boost the entire group with this ultimate support set.
In addition to Underground, Update 1.3 is also out today and will add new free content for all players on Xbox One and PC. Yet again, PS4 owners will have to wait – this time until July 5th 2016. Â The update brings the following…
- Find and equip nine new weapon types
- Experience Hudson Refugee Camp and Queens Tunnel in Challenge mode for better rewards
- Play the new Heroic difficulty to unlock top-tier rewards in incursions and select missions
- Get the all new Alpha Bridge gear set
- Discover the Terminal, a new shared social space inside the Base of Operations
If you haven’t yet experience The Division for all its worth, then have a read of our review and then get buying it! It’s quite easily one of the best games of 2016 so far and should be checked out pronto.