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Gain early access to Defiance 2050 right now with the Founder’s Packs on Xbox One


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The massive open-world online shooter is free-to-play in just a few days, but for those who can’t wait and want to get started early in Defiance 2050, a number of purchasable packs have hit the store which give immediate access to the game.

Players who do get involved will be transported to the dynamic open world of San Francisco to play the role of an Ark Hunter, where they can explore, fight in hectic skirmishes and partake in story-driven missions on an epic scale. As an online shooter, players can engage in massive cooperative battles alongside their friends, whilst utilising hundreds of different weapons and skills. Prepare to tackle a variety of huge alien threats and creatures as you venture through the terraformed futuristic environments it has to offer.

Defiance 2050 is essentially a current gen remaster of the original Defiance title that’s been around on Xbox 360 for just over five years – the one based on the TV show. Unlike most remasters though, it’s not only the visuals that have been given a noticeable upgrade, with new features ensuring it’s the definitive version.

To garner early access to Defiance 2050, you’ll need to purchase either the Ultimate Founder’s Pack (£39.99), the Class Founder’s Pack (£15.99), or the Demolitionist Founder’s Pack (£15.99) – all of which are available for Xbox One via the Microsoft Store. The Demolitionist Founder’s Pack contains the Demolition class ahead of its release, an outfit, an exclusive tint and a title, whilst the Class Founder’s Pack unlocks all four base classes – Assault, Assassin, Guardian, and Combat Medic – as well as providing a 30-day XP Boost, a beast of an ATV and 30 inventory slots.

For all of the above and a shed load of in-game premium currency, Bits, the Ultimate Founder’s Pack is the one to have though. Does any of this entice you in today, or are you happy to wait until the official launch of Defiance 2050 as a free-to-play title?

Game Description:

Join your friends and become an Ark Hunter in a massive cooperative online shooter like no other. Choose from an array of fully customizable weapons and classes, explore a unique futuristic open world, and engage in epic fast-paced third-person shooter combat. • Seek fame and fortune as an Ark Hunter in a compelling sci-fi narrative • Fight it out through fast-paced third-person shooter combat in a massive open world • Battle alien races alongside hundreds of other players in massive dynamic world events • Craft a perfect Ark Hunter via thousands of unique class, weapon, and upgrade combinations • Test your arsenal against other players in instanced battlegrounds and giant 64×64 open world battles • Join up as a 4-person squad and challenge punishing story driven instances • Race from battle to battle across a devastated Earth using dozens of futuristic vehicles

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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