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Hitman raises his head but how good are the Xbox Games With Gold freebies for September 2019?


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games with gold september 2019

With Gamescom having just gone and Halloween starting to appear on the horizon, it can only mean that ‘the horror-days are coming’. Man of Medan and Blair Witch are now both here to scare the living daylights out of all who dare come near, and so it’s hard to think you should be focusing on anything else. But let’s not get hasty as first of all we still have all those free games to look through courtesy of the Xbox Games With Gold program for September 2019. So let’s dive straight in and see whether or not you should be bothering with the latest batch of Xbox Games With Gold freebies.

HITMAN: The Complete First Season – Xbox One – September 1st – 30th – Instant Download

When it comes to assassinations, very few manage it quite as well as the bald-headed assassin known as Agent 47. He’s smooth, calculated and has a firm hand on body disposal.

Playing any adventure that places us in the shoes of 47 is one that deserves recognition as being an exciting and engaging adventure, but when that adventure comes with no additional price tag, and includes the biggest and most interactive, repayable, levels we’ve ever seen in the Hitman series, there is no reason to do anything besides shout from the top of our lungs and persuade you with all our might to get it on your download list!

Hitman: The Complete First Season on Xbox One brings together the complete episodic adventure of the Hitman reboot in one complete package and it’s hard to argue it doesn’t harbour some pretty incredible opportunities within. Want to bump off the one of the world’s finest art dealers? Maybe you’ll want to drop the chandelier on his head in a ‘freak accident’. Want to create the ultimate contract and challenge others to pull it off? Then that can be done too! Damn you can even take down the entire NPC population if you think you have what it takes… just don’t expect a perfect score by the end of it.

Hitman is brilliant, and an instant download of The Complete First Season is a no-brainer.

We Were Here – Xbox One – September 16th – October 15th – Instant Download

A frozen wasteland sounds like the kind of place the majority would want to avoid. In We Were Here however, that is just the kind of place you’ll be heading as players take control of a couple of Arctic explorers that are forced inside a sinister and ancient castle thanks to a freak snowstorm.

After being split up from your partner and left with nothing more than a walkie-talkie to communicate, players must explore, solve puzzles and work together through voice alone to hold any hope of eventual escape. What’s more is that when it arrives on September 16th via Xbox Games With Gold, it will be an entirely new title to Xbox One, having only previously being available on PC.

If you’re after a lengthy adventure then We Were Here won’t be one for you, but if you’re after something that requires a little brain-work and good communication, then it may be the puzzle game you didn’t know you wanted.

Getting a brand-new game for free on its release date is always appreciated so could you really ask for more!?

Earth Defense Force 2025 – Xbox 360 – September 1st – 15th Ignore!

If you’ve read this far down, then chances are you’re here for the whole hog now and that means you’re going to want us to skip the rubbish and get down to brass tacks… Earth Defense Force 2025? Don’t bother with it. It’s not worth it.

This isn’t the first Earth Defense Force game to be given away with Games With Gold and I’m sure there is a keen fan base out there that will wish to have me put on a stake for my recommendation that you avoid this adventure, but we hope it’s the last Earth Defense Force title to be given away, what with so many better titles available on Xbox One. In fact, it’s hard to argue that there is any point in wasting time on a tired and dated third-person shooter.

Of course, if fighting giant insects against mechanical machines is your idea of perfection, then there may be reason to give this a go, but if you’re after something a little more substantial then maybe head towards the other options on offer this month.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – Xbox 360 – September 16th – 30th – To be considered

I have to be honest, the main reason I remember this classic fighter isn’t for the fighting at all, but rather the ten-pin bowling. For a spinoff title though, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is certainly a well-crafted affair.

Unlike main entries in the series. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 follows on from the first by involving two-fighters for each team within a given fight. Fighters can be swapped in and out during certain points and to wing the round – and the game – players must defeat both opponents within each round to gain the point, rather than via traditional 1v1 combat.

For fans of the series, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is easily seen as one of the best Tekken titles, and for newcomers, then what better place to start. With a ton of fighters, plenty of unique combos to master and a host of game modes to get stuck into, there is no better place to learn the heart of each and every character. On top of that, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 brings with it an entirely new story, one separate from that of the mainline series with different characters having their own unique endings.

It may not be the best thing you can play on Xbox One, but if you want a decent fighting experience, then by all means get this one downloaded.

So, there we have it, thoughts on the latest batch of free titles to arrive through the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for September. Will you be playing any of this month’s free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games? Let us know in the comments below or via our usual social channels.

Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
Carlos Santuana (Sly Boogie1993)
After 20 years of playing every game I can get my hands on, I can now be found selling my soul for anything Resident Evil, Gears of War, or Gamerscore related... all of which will be mastered after a good cuppa!


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5 years ago

The games can really be left this month, unless you are looking for a hitman, in which case, this is a great price!

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