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Join the pack as SEGA announce HYENAS


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Fancy joining the HYENAS, ready to fight for the lion’s share? That’s exactly what SEGA will want you to be doing in their new, uber-flashy multiplayer shooter.

SEGA Europe have today announced HYENAS, an ambitious multi-platform challenger that will look to fill out the shooter space, created by those from the globally-acclaimed developer Creative Assembly.

A brand-new entry into the most competitive genre in gaming, HYENAS is driven by a desire to get the game early into the hands of players, all thanks to a closed alpha test on PC. You can sign-up for that right now.

But why should you? Well, in the world of HYENAS, the world is broken, quite literally. The billionaires have finally made it to Mars, leaving Earth and those tax bills far behind. The zero-gravity tech that powered their journey has shattered our planet, abandoning us in a drifting slum called the ‘Taint’. The only thing the rich care for is rare Merch, pop culture swag from the lives we left behind, which they loot from the rubble to furnish their Martian mansions.

It is therefore time for us to steal it back. Lumbering spaceship shopping malls, known as Plunderships, are plump with nostalgic booty stolen from Earth’s remains and packed with the sort of hired thugs, alarm systems and armed drones only the hyper-rich can afford. It’s here where you’ll get to assemble your crew of Hyenas from a ragtag cast of uniquely skilled and armed criminal misfits to get in, get the Merch and get the hell out. 

Think of it as a space piracy smash and grab, with your team of three fighting against four other crews to nab the spiciest haul and grab the getaway, and you’ll be somewhere close. You’ll need both guns and guile; each Plundership is a sandbox playground of interlocking systems creating endless opportunities for slick teams to exploit the environment, security networks, hired goons and competing crews to gain an edge.

And when it all kicks off, blisteringly quick movement and lethal combat combine in hazardous, and often switchable, zero-G zones, providing dramatic opportunities for you to master your environment to trap and eliminate other crews.

“We believe the key to modern shooter success is understanding what players want to see and where they want to take their experience. We know we’ve got something interesting on our hands, but we also know the odds are stacked against us,” said Executive Producer, David Nicholson. “To take on the biggest games in the industry, we need to hear what players think, right up front and early. If you’re in, we want to take you along for the ride. That’s why after today’s announcement, we’re also launching into the first of our public Alpha tests.”

Coming from a multi-award-winning studio who are aiming to do to shooters what they did to horror with Alien: Isolation, there’s much more detail to come in regards HYENAS, and we can’t wait to bring it to you – especially since SEGA have already ruled out any play-to-win mechanics.

HYENAS is coming to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC at some point in 2023. For now, you’ve got a trailer to watch.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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