HomeTheXboxHub News...Join the war as Valkyria Revolution arrives on Xbox...

Join the war as Valkyria Revolution arrives on Xbox One


The spinoff from the popular Valkyria series has finally made its way to European and North American shores, with death itself awaiting you on the battlefield. Will you answer the call of duty and take down the Valkyria?

There’s a revolution going on in Europa and Jutland’s most elite soldiers, the Vanargand, need to work together in order to defeat the Ruzi Empire and the Valkyria – a fearsome being with almost limitless power. You’ll venture into battle with upgradeable mana weaponry and spells powered by the primary energy source, ragnite. Valkyria Revolution introduces a brand new battle system, which combines tactical strategy and real time combat, thus allowing a balance between clever ploys and bold combos. Throw in a vibrant and dramatic soundtrack, composed by Yasunori Mitsuda, and this could be an enthralling RPG experience.

Those in the US who are looking to turn the tide of the revolution can do so by heading over to the Xbox Games Store and parting with the required $39.99. UK gamers will need to hold tight until the digital release arrives come Friday 30th June.

Edit: Valkyria Revolution is now also available in the UK. A £34.99 price tag will need to be overcome in order to get your download in, whilst a whole ton of free DLC pieces are also now available. Get yourself over to the Xbox Games Store and check them out. 

Will you be picking up Valkyria Revolution on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments below or via social media!

Game Description:

In the wake of a revolution, Jutland’s elite soldiers, the Vanargand, must band together to defeat the Ruzi Empire and stop death itself—the Valkyria. With an engaging story full of political intrigue, a battle system that mixes real-time combat and tactical strategy, a gorgeous visual style, and more, Valkyria Revolution will immerse players into the frontlines of a desperate war. Equipped with advanced mana weaponry and wielding powerful ragnite spells, this grizzled anti-Valkyria squad will charge head on to combat the terrifying threat of the Valkyria. However, Amleth Gronkjaer, the commanding officer of Vanargand, hides a terrible secret. Is he friend or foe to the country he has sworn to protect?

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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