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Kinect Sports Rivals preseason kicks off at Xbox One launch


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The latest addition to the Xbox One’s launch programme has just been confirmed as Kinect Sports Rivals.

Whilst the full game will still not launch until Spring 2014, players can take part in the ‘preseason’ on Xbox One from the 22nd November. The preseason will consist of numerous monthly challenges with the chance to earn points and unlock rewards, ahead of the full game release and they’ll be able to track their progress through the Kinect Sports Rivals Hub.

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Full details as follows:

Download the free trial experience anytime from Nov. 22 thru Nov. 30 and start earning points to unlock the special “Founder” player title, an exclusive “Kinect Sports Rivals” wetsuit and a “Kinect Sports Rivals” wake racer to commemorate the launch of Xbox One.
Players will compete against familiar faces – including a fully digital version of Major Nelson and Acey Bongos who will step in as tough competition.
New monthly challenges with unique objectives and rewards will become available within the “Kinect Sports Rivals” Hub – some will be personal, some will be co-op, and some will pit nation against nation in a global battle for international fame. Each challenge will deliver its own exclusive rewards that will carry over to the full game when it launches next spring.
Complete every player challenge given and expand the fun by racing against a friend in the same room in split screen mode.
Enjoy an all-new track by rising musical group Youngblood Hawke. They recorded “Collide” just for “Kinect Sports Rivals.”
Launching in spring of 2014, “Kinect Sports Rivals” is the next generation of the best-selling Kinect franchise, “Kinect Sports.” “Kinect Sports Rivals” brings favorite sports back in re-imagined ways, and delivers new sports and events made possible only with Xbox One’s revolutionary technology. “Kinect Sports Rivals” puts players in the game like never before, tracks their movements and expressions with incredible accuracy, and offers never-ending competition with friends and rivals.

I guess we best get this added to the ever increasing ‘first day download’ list for our Xbox One’s.

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Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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