HomeReviewsAccessory reviewsKontrolFreek Icon X Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One Review

KontrolFreek Icon X Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One Review


Since their inception back in 2009, KontrolFreek have been on a mission to enhance the gaming sessions of millions, providing them the opportunity to work with their Performance Thumbsticks in order to become a better player. And whilst I’ve always been one to debate the fact that sticking an enhancement on your controller is going to put you on the road to being a pro, I’ve become a big fan of what they have created. Now though, after working many different designs and features, KontrolFreek are going for the ultimate – their own logo adorned on the face of the Icon X Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One.

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I’ll kick things off here by saying that I’m not normally a fan of the convex route that KontrolFreek occasionally take, instead much preferring the opportunity to enjoy the concaved thumbsticks that allow a shallow dish for my thumbs to fall into. In fact, it’s the likes of the stunning OMNI Performance Thumbsticks that are my go-to option. But I will say this: if you prefer to go gaming with a more domed feel to your thumbsticks, you’re going to be pretty damn impressed by what the Icon X bring.

Bright green in colour – although other colours are available – with a standard black three prong attachment sitting underneath, the Icon X stands out from the word go, so much so that you can’t ever miss the hue that flows from these. But sitting pride of place on the very top of these rubber discs comes the iconic KontrolFreek logo. It’s a super cool, twin-stick design that hammers home KontrolFreek’s fun statement. This logo in itself ensures that the Icon X thumbsticks look great, but it is the design which also doubles up to provide enough stick and grip to ensure these are a decent addition to your gaming sessions – at least if you’re happy to take in that domed feel. 

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Encompassed by an outer lip which means gripping the Icon X Performance Thumbsticks is a cinch, anyone familiar with previous KF products should be more than happy with what is provided here. In particular the slight hybrid feel allowed through that combination of laser etched logo and outer ring, with the thumbstick design raising and falling, provides full comfort. Personally I would prefer more of a concave feeling, but the rise that is delivered here is certainly not offensive, and will most definitely appeal to many. 

What will also appeal is the mid-rise height that the Icon X’s come with. Adding 6.4mm to each stick – this is a double pack in which both Performance Thumbsticks are the exact same height – anyone going into battle with these attached should find more of an ease in zeroing in on any target with an increase in precision and a range of motion advancement of around 90%. KontrolFreek sell these on the back of being perfect for an action-adventure like Minecraft Dungeons, or for those wishing to go deep with a huge RPG-fuelled world as you’d find in The Outer Worlds. I’m not going to disagree with that statement in any way, but will also add that I’ve found them to be absolutely fine for racing games too. 

The Icon X Performance Thumbsticks are certainly a decent upgrade over your standard stock controller, and should be on your radar if you’re looking for a new toy to go gaming with. They are also a great way of preparing yourself for the switch up to a higher-rise stick like the Call of Duty: WWII Thumbsticks, without you finding the massive increase those initially bring to be too much of a shock. 

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With a variety of great colours, it should also be an easy task to find the Icon X’s fitting in with your current gaming set up, with red, blue, green (the ones we are looking at for review), purple and black all available from KontrolFreek. The $14.99 price isn’t bad either, and whilst these won’t be present as daily drivers on my own personal controllers – mainly as the lower, more concave designs are my preferred option – you’ll like what you find should you wish to go repping the full KontrolFreek product line with the Icon X Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One. 

Massive thanks go out to KontolFreek for providing us with a set of their Icon X Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One for review and unboxing purposes. If you wish to pick up a set, head over to KontrolFreek direct. You’ll also find them available over on Amazon.

Related: KontrolFreek IconX Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One – UNBOXING | FIRST LOOK | INSTALLATION

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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