I’m not really the target audience for KontrolFreek’s latest performance thumbsticks for Xbox One.
See, I’m not a big player in the shooting scene, I’m not really a fan of Overwatch, and I certainly don’t feel the need to add bright pink stick enhancers to my Xbox One controller. What I do know though is that when KontrolFreek create a new product, interest levels rise, thanks mainly to having previously been given the opportunity to experience all manner of products from the leading developer of innovative gaming accessories. And so when the KontrolFreek Overwatch D.Va Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One dropped through my door, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Would these be replacing the utterly brilliant Rush sticks that have been pretty much glued to my controller since first use?

Well no they haven’t, and going forward, no they won’t. But that’s not because what KontrolFreek have produced with the D.Va sticks isn’t of the usual highest quality, it’s just that the Rush is so damn good, and the D.Va’s are so damn pink that I just can’t bring myself to push on with a full swap out.
The KontrolFreek Overwatch D.Va thumbsticks may well appeal to you though. In fact, should you be an Overwatch player, or someone who wishes to customise their controller for the better with some brilliant pink hues, then I’m not sure you’ll find a better thumbstick addition.
Coming with a top that brightens up even the most dull of days, and complemented by KontrolFreek’s proprietary three pronged attachment system in a pale baby blue, it can’t be ignored that these provide a great colour combo. With D.Va’s Self-Destruct logo emblazoned proudly on the very top, this provides a hybrid style of top, raising at points and dropping down at others. Overall it’s a relatively flat surface in which D.Va’s logo bursts out and gives something for your thumbs to stick to. It has to be said that these do look great when attached to a controller, if you like that kind of bright pink, angry rabbit type thing.

Both of these sticks come in at the mid-range point for a KontrolFreek product, with 6.6mm of height growth providing increased accuracy when you need it in the most intense of shootouts, while the other allows for quick player movements for when you need to get up and scarper, increasing your range of motion by 90%. I’ve found that this mid-ride height is pretty much spot on for my needs, and while others may well prefer the higher sticks like the Call of Duty: WWII product, personally I’m more than happy with this level or lower.
The D.VA sticks are pretty damn solid too. Moving away from what KontrolFreek provided with the previously mentioned Rush product, the pink top that showcases our cute Overwatch hero is fairly tough to touch, with little leeway in movement either in terms of the logo itself or the solid side walls. Again, personally I need something a little softer to the touch, but with use I’ve certainly found them to be an enjoyable product that rarely exudes anything other than confidence in your gaming sessions. Seeing as the weather here in the UK has been a bit on the hot side in recent weeks, then D.Va has most definitely been able to hold her own in the hottest, stickiest of gaming sessions. Yes occasionally I’ve been left wanting a little more from the surface of these sticks – with the face of the logo at the bottom sometimes struggling to bring as much grip as the northern parts – but on the whole, you’re not going to find too much to complain about with a set of these attached to your Xbox One controller as you fire up your latest Overwatch marathon.
Away from the sticks and I must also send applause to KontrolFreek for providing a little more glitz and glamour to these Limited Edition D.Va sticks, as they have done away with their usual standard packaging to include these in a lovely collector’s Loot Box packaging. There is nothing better than receiving a parcel and getting a brilliant unboxing experience; seeing these sticks lovingly encased in an Overwatch styled box just adds a little more to the purchasing temptation. Â

So do I recommend them? Are these D.Va sticks the best product KontrolFreek have created? Well, this is where I’m still undecided. There’s no doubting that the KontrolFreek Overwatch D.Va Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One are a brilliant product, but they will only really appeal to a certain subset of gamers – those who adore Overwatch and love the bright colours that all entails. I’m not that person, and for that reason alone will be more than happy to keep the Rush or Galaxy options that KontrolFreek have previously produced firmly planted on my controller.
Massive thanks go out to KontrolFreek for providing the Limited Edition Overwatch D.Va Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One for review. If you wish to pick up a set for yourself then you’ll find them available from KontrolFreek direct for £14.35.