HomeTheXboxHub News...PlayStation NewsKontrolFreek relaunch their iconic CQC Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox...

KontrolFreek relaunch their iconic CQC Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox and PlayStation


kontrolfreek CQC Xbox

It’s been a decade since KontrolFreek first burst onto the scene with their CQC Performance Thumbsticks. Today though they are commemorating the anniversary by reissuing the classics with the return of the OG of thumbsticks. 

Arriving back on the market by popular demand, the KontrolFreek CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Performance Thumbsticks for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S along with for PS4 and PS5, is KF’s original masterpiece. 

It’s a mid-rise stick that has been put together for sheer versatility, letting players who partake in near any game understand the positive effects that a KontrolFreek add-on can bring. They provide comfort and control resulting in faster and more accurate reactions, whilst the mid-rise 6.1mm of height creates a seamless feel. If you’re looking for big results, less adjustment time, and overall increased comfort and enhanced control in a classic minimalistic design, these are for you. 

The 2022 edition of the CQC’s fuse together that good old retro style with innovation, , with them featuring the original concave thumb surface – our favourite style – that is built for comfort, grip, and control while adding the new 4-prong design that produces increased security and stability for intense gameplay. KontrolFreek reckon that the final result is the perfect mix of old-school style and next-gen engineering for elite performance on next-gen consoles. 

We’ll find out for sure when we go hands-on with the Xbox version of the CQC and deliver a full review in the process. 

The key product features include: 

  • The world’s most advanced thumb grips with next-gen 4-Prong design to meet ergonomic and performance gaming needs for next-gen consoles and gamers
  • Mid-Rise Thumbsticks delivers 6.1mm of added height to original stock controller sticks for enhanced control and increased comfort
  • Provides an increased range of motion and accuracy, while decreasing hand & thumb fatigue, along with reduced dead zone resistance   
  • Proprietary rubber compound enhances grip and reduces slip 
  • Available for PlayStation 5 | PlayStation 4 | Xbox X/S | Xbox One  

You’ll find that the CQC Performance Thumbsticks are available for $19.99 at KontrolFreek.com. Go and pick them up. 

And if you want something different to the CQC’s, then KontrolFreek run a host of options – like the Call of Duty Vanguard or Overwatch D.VA styles, along with Gaming Lights and Precision Rings for those looking for even more customisation. 

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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