The witching season may well be over but that doesn’t mean that we need to ditch all the horror games from our lives. Having released on Halloween, The One We Found is a small indie title that most definitely deals in plenty of scares. Want to check out some of the gameplay?
Watch as we send Gareth into the unknown to partake in a bit of The One We Found on Xbox One. Well known for his rubbish gameplay skills, the slow paced nature and mysterious goings on found in this game should serve him well – the question is, does he make it out alive?
It may well seem safe enough to drop him into the shoes of James Ledgewick, as he takes on the role of the renowned psychotherapist at the super scary Whisperwood mental institution, but with many secrets hidden within, and just one man’s brain power trying to uncover the truth of the institution, god knows how it will all turn out. In fact, the only way you’ll find out is by kicking back and listening in as Gareth takes you through the opening moments of this indie horror.
If you wish to know more about The One We Found, then hit up our full review right here.
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But for now, Let’s Play The One We Found on Xbox One…