HomeTheXboxHub News...The Little Acre heading to PC, Xbox One and...

The Little Acre heading to PC, Xbox One and PS4 this year



It looks stunning and it’s now been announced that the animated adventure The Little Acre will be arriving on Xbox One, PS4 and PC later this year.

Whilst the exact date is still up in the air, Pewter Games and Curve Digital will be ensuring it drops before the year is out. Featuring extensive hand drawn animation and full voice acting, The Little Acre promises to be a rather memorable, well crafted adventure game.

Merging the charm of classical Don Bluth animation and the magical wonder of a Myazaki world, The Little Acre is a stunning graphic adventure set in 1950s Ireland, following the story of Aidan and his young daughter, Lily. Investigating the sinister disappearance of his father, Aidan finds himself transported to a strange new world populated by bizarre creatures. Things are not helped when young Lily decides that she is going to ‘help’ and encounters her own perils along the way.

This may be Pewter Games’ first title – but the team is supplemented by Broken Sword visionary Charles Cecil, who has come on board as Executive Producer. His role has been to help shape the later stages of development, his vast experience within the genre offering a unique perspective. It is the first time he has accepted an Executive Producer role.

“Mine and Chris’s gaming background is strangely disparate,” says Ben Clavin, Pewter Games. “Whilst between us we’ve played all the essentials, there’s only one series that we have both played – and that’s Broken Sword. Charles is one of the biggest names in adventure gaming, so having him agree to join the team is a huge endorsement of the work we’ve been doing.”

“There were already a few nods to Broken Sword within The Little Acre,” adds Chris Conlan, Pewter Games, “so to be working with Charles officially is a dream. His insight so far has been invaluable, and his experience in the genre is second to none. We’re absolutely over the moon he is on board!”

“When I first saw The Little Acre, I was blown away by the game’s beauty and attention to detail,” says Charles Cecil. “I was delighted to discover how much of an influence Broken Sword had had on The Little Acre and was enormously flattered when Chris and Ben asked me to act as Executive Producer. “It’s a game I would have been extremely proud to have written myself and I am very excited to be building a relationship, and friendship, with a very talented young development team.”

Features will include:

  • Traditional hand-drawn animation
  • Two playable characters
  • Beautiful original score
  • Fully voice acted
  • Unique transitions to an isometric perspective

We will of course keep you fully up-to-date with more news regarding The Little Acre as and when it arrives.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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