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Make it A Day to Remember with the latest Rock Band 4 DLC


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A Day to Remember Rock Band 4

As regular as clockwork, Harmonix have delivered their weekly additions to the Rock Band 4 library to ensure you’ve got more fresh tunes to purchase for your next session. So, who wants to jam to these new DLC tracks from A Day to Remember and Catfish and the Bottlemen?

Available to purchase and download right now on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the latest Rock Band 4 content introduces a track from each aforementioned rock band. For A Day to Remember it’s a song from their 2010 album ‘What Separates Me from You’, whilst it’s a track off of the recent ‘The Balance’ album in regards to the Welsh contingency known as Catfish and the Bottlemen. The new DLC tracks are as follows:

If you can’t resist either of these tunes, and must add them to your ever-growing Rock Band 4 playlist immediately, the Xbox Store or the PlayStation Store will provide the downloadable content should you be willing to part with the required cash. You’ll also be able to find “Longshot” by Catfish and the Bottlemen as part of the Season 11 Spotlight Pass, priced at £9.59, alongside all sorts of tunes from other artists like The Proclaimers and Vampire Weekend – with more still to take their place in the spotlight over the coming weeks.

Will you be picking up either track, or do you have more than enough Rock Band 4 content to keep you going for a long while yet? Let us know whether you grab the tunes and if they’re welcome additions by leaving a comment below or reaching out to us on our various social media platforms.

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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