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More Gridiron Action Available now with Maximum Football 2020 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4


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With Madden 21 turning out to be another disappointment, the door is once again open to another football simulator to take a bite out of them. Step up Doug Flutie and Maximum Football 2020, out now on Xbox One and PS4.

Maximum Football 2020 once again has the backing of NFL and CFL superstar Doug Flutie so includes the rulesets of both leagues. There are also college teams which features the nuances in their rules in comparison with the big leagues.

Sure, Maximum Football 2020 might not feature the NFL license, but who needs it? Create your own dynasties with the new Dynasty 2.0 mode that includes statistics based on real-world college footballers to give more proportional player sizes. These players can appear on one of 130 college teams where you can even create custom leagues featuring every single one of those teams. Anyone fancy a 250+ game season?

With that many games, you will need an expansive playbook. Maximum Football 2020 allows you to tweak existing plays, or created your own unique ones, right down to route trees and player motions.

The lack of license does mean you have full customisation of your teams colours and jerseys. That said, a licensed team is on the way in future updates. Football Canada – the national governing body of amateur football in Canada – will be bringing their “Team Canada” along soon.

New Features Include:

  • Overhauled Game play Experience – Enhanced game performance, lighting system, player movement, object avoidance, and custom receiver animations. We have also improved linemen interaction, expanded defensive AI and overhauled the passing game (including more tipped passes, aggressive DBs, faster QB animations).
  • Play Designer – Full play designer for offense and defense. Implement standard playbook strategies with receiver route trees, read progressions, play action, run types, man and zone coverage, blitz packages, QB spy, and even set player motion.
  • Dynasty Mode 2.0 – Player awards, conference championships, player transfers, new Bowl games, updated depth chart screen, faster simulation engine, diverse play calling (giving each team a new identity), enhanced accuracy in recruit generation (including height and weight), detailed recruit commitments and player suspensions, and much more!
  • More Customization – College teams added to Play Now, new 32 team league added to Play Now and Season Mode, brand new customization hub, easy color picker based upon team’s primary and secondary colors, and additional stock logos.
  • Custom Controls – Map your own buttons! Customize your on-field game controls to get a familiar feel or a brand new one.

Maximum Football 2020 has aimed to listen to the community following the 2019 release, and with the host of new tweaks and features listed, they seem to be on the right track. It is available to download on Xbox One and PS4 right now priced at £24.99. To find out just how much of an improvement there has been, stay tuned for our in-depth review coming very soon.

Game Description:

Football gaming powered by the community! Doug Flutie’s Maximum Football continues to provide the ultimate simulation football sandbox.

Richard Dobson
Richard Dobson
Avid gamer since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Grew up with the PS1 and PS2 but changed allegiances in 2007 with the release of Halo 3.
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