NAIAD Review


The concept of NAIAD is rooted in Greek mythology. Naiads, also known as nymphs, are female spirits who preside over streams, fountains, rivers, and wells. They appear in various stories and poems throughout history, with each culture offering its own interpretation of these mythical beings. Some are depicted as benevolent guardians of nature, while others are portrayed as vengeful or malevolent entities. 

In NAIAD, the game, you embody one of these spirits, a protector of nature embarking on a journey through a world increasingly impacted by human activity.

NAIAD Review 1
NAIAD – utterly relaxing

NAIAD unfolds in chapters, beginning with the Naiad’s youth, possibly at the dawn of time. Viewed from a top-down perspective, you navigate a tranquil stream, guided by a cloud’s gentle voice. Initially, there’s no clear objective, allowing you to simply explore and appreciate the serene environment. But as you swim, various creatures, such as fish, will begin to follow you, whilst you might also encounter mother ducks searching for their lost ducklings, and you can choose to help reunite them. Each level features an exit point that leads you further downriver and further through time, as the Naiad matures.

The game’s narrative unfolds through the changing environments and encounters. You’ll explore a cave with a dark presence, where pollution has marred the natural beauty. Your task is to restore balance and help nature reclaim its dominion. You’ll witness human activities like mining and construction, encroaching upon the natural world and altering the landscape. 

The vibrant colours of the early levels gradually give way to a more somber palette as the rivers become more treacherous. It’s here where NAIAD effectively conveys its environmental message without resorting to heavy-handed preaching. The story is conveyed primarily through visual storytelling, with minimal text and dialogue, creating a powerful and evocative experience.

NAIAD Review 2
Some glorious swimming

Gameplay is both relaxing and engaging. You swim through the water, utilising different strokes, including a breaststroke that attracts curious frogs. You can control your speed, adapting to the challenges of each environment, navigating obstacles that require you to dive beneath the surface to work around them. You also possess the power of song, which can attract birds and bees, providing distractions and assistance. And later, you acquire a sonic boom ability that allows you to break through obstacles.

Each level presents a unique puzzle, requiring you to complete specific objectives to progress. Some tasks are optional, such as rescuing ducklings or attracting a certain number of fish, however, the main progression often involves triggering mechanisms or discovering hidden pathways. While enjoyable, the puzzles can become quite challenging and require precise execution in the later stages.

This is a game that visually delights, with a simple yet effective top-down perspective and beautifully rendered water effects. NAIAD celebrates the beauty and fragility of nature, effectively conveying its message through the environments and their transformations. There’s no doubt either that the soundtrack is equally impressive, genius in fact, featuring unique and calming melodies that perfectly complement the gameplay and atmosphere.

NAIAD Review 3
NAIAD will surprise you

NAIAD surprised me with its originality. The relaxing nature of the early levels, combined with the gradual introduction of environmental challenges and the Naiad’s evolving abilities, creates a compelling experience.

The visual storytelling is effective, and the soundtrack is exceptional, but I personally found much joy in the simpler things; rescuing ducklings, attracting schools of fish, and even lulling a bear to sleep.

NAIAD: A Relaxing Journey Downstream Now Available on Consoles and PC –

Buy NAIAD on Xbox –


  • Relaxing gameplay
  • Stunning visuals and water effects
  • A brilliant soundtrack
  • Effective environmental storytelling
  • Puzzles can become frustrating in later levels
  • Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, Aerosoft
  • Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC
  • Not Available on Game Pass Day One
  • Release date | Price - 10 December 2024 | £16.74
Gareth Brierley
Gareth Brierley
I am an actor and a writer. I act quite a bit on stage, a little bit on tv and never on tuesdays. I have had some of my writing published and have written for TV and stage. I have been playing games since they begun and don't seem to be getting any better.
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<b>Pros:</b> <ul> <li>Relaxing gameplay</li> <li>Stunning visuals and water effects</li> <li>A brilliant soundtrack</li> <li>Effective environmental storytelling</li> </ul> <b>Cons:</b> <ul> <li>Puzzles can become frustrating in later levels</li> </ul> <b>Info:</b> <ul> <li>Massive thanks for the free copy of the game, Aerosoft</li> <li>Formats - Xbox Series X|S (review), Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Switch, PC <li>Not Available on Game Pass Day One <li>Release date | Price - 10 December 2024 | £16.74</li> </ul>NAIAD Review
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