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New Story Trailer and Post-Launch Content Plans Unveiled for Watch Dogs: Legion


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It’s the game we’re all holding out for, and in just a few weeks Watch Dogs: Legion will have released on Xbox One, PS4, Google Stadia and PC, with the Xbox Series X|S and PS5 launches fast following. But before that time we’ve got a new Story trailer to take in and confirmed details of Ubisoft’s post-launch plans.

Due to hit Xbox One, PS4, Google Stadia and PC on October 29th 2020, Xbox Series X|S on November 10th and then PS5 come November 12th – and even then a physical edition will launch on PS5 come later on as November 24th rolls into play – Watch Dogs: Legion whisks us off to London with the opportunity to ‘play as anyone’. Yep, Ubisoft Toronto are promising that we will not just have the entirety of London to mess around in, but the chance to choose to play as any person from the huge open world – each of whom will have their own backstory, personality and skillset.

Prior to that though comes the latest Story trailer. Hit it up below these words in order to get a glimpse into the fate of London. It is there where we’ll find that Zero-Day, an unknown entity, has framed the secret underground resistance, DedSec, for the bombings that contributed to the fall of London. In Watch Dogs: Legion, players must fight to liberate London by building a resistance.

But what happens after we’ve taken that story in? Well, Ubisoft have got our backs with the Online multiplayer mode of Watch Dogs: Legion. Becoming available on December 3rd as part of a free game update for all players, this is the start of a rather robust post-launch plan that will bring fresh content to the single-player mode, and introduce online multiplayer modes.

The Online mode of Watch Dogs: Legion will include the following, all as part of the December 3rd free update:

  • Free-roam open-world co-op where players can team up with their friends for up to four-player co-op and explore the city of London and participate in side activities
  • New co-op missions for two-to-four players using new co-op gameplay mechanics and giving players the opportunity to recruit the perfect team
  • Four-player co-op Tactical Ops missions which will require teamwork and efficiency
  • The first available Player-vs-Player (PvP) mode, Spiderbot Arena, where four-to-eight players control armed spiderbots and compete in a high intensity free-for-all deathmatch

New free content for the single-player mode will be available in a future update in 2021, and will include:

  • New characters with new abilities
  • New mission content
  • A New Game Plus mode

Further to that though and those who happen to acquire the Season Pass of Watch Dogs: Legion will get access to Watch Dogs: Legion – Bloodline, a brand new storyline which includes Aiden Pearce from the original Watch Dogs, and Wrench from Watch Dogs 2. Both of these guys will be fully playable in the single player campaign and online, along with two other characters:

  • Darcy, a member of the Assassin Order, thanks to a cross-over with Assassin’s Creed
  • Mina, a subject of transhuman experiments, who possesses the ability to mind control individuals

That’s not all though. In addition the Season Pass will offer extra DedSec missions, the original Watch Dogs Complete Edition from 2014, and more. You’ll find this Season Pass available for purchase as part of the Gold, Ultimate and Collector editions.

So, for now kick back and take in both the Story trailer and that of the Season Pass. But then prepare yourself for a whole ton of content when Watch Dogs: Legion starts to roll out. It promises to be nothing short of awesome.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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