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NOT A HERO SUPER SNAZZY EDITION available to download now on Xbox One


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It’s super. It’s snazzy. It’s not a hero. It’s NOT A HERO SUPER SNAZZY EDITION!

Available to download right now on Xbox One is NOT A HERO SUPER SNAZZY EDITION. Priced at £9.99 / $12.99 / 12,99 €, although for a limited time, £7.99 will see you right. You can purchase the game as a single product or with OlliOlli2 in the BunnyLord Pro Hater Pack for just £14.99 / $20.99 / 19,49 € – something which is again currently discounted to £7.99.

A complete and utter fun-bringer NOT A HERO SUPER SNAZZY EDITION sees you shooting and sliding your way through 28 levels of absolute mayhem, humour and Bunnylords! Our full review will be live very soon (perhaps even as you read this), but signs are pretty damn positive.

Features include:

  • A dynamic mix of run-and-gun gameplay and cover-based shootouts!
  • 9 different heroes to choose between, each with their own distinct gameplay style and crime-murdering abilities
  • Me, Myself and BunnyLord: an all new adventure featuring 3 new missions with new baddies, settings and challenges. Plus the ability to play as BunnyLord himself for the first time ever!

Game Description:

Join the Campaign trail in this funstoppable 2.25D pixelated political opus from Roll7. Shoot, slide and execute your way through 28 levels of incredibly British action and humour as you persuade the world to ‘Vote BunnyLord’. Use reasonable force unreasonably in a dynamic mix of run-and-gun gameplay and cover-based shootouts. The intuitive quick-snap cover system lets you slide, roll, and dive into cover, dodging enemy fire before fighting back with tackles, executions, and hundreds of bullets. Choose between 9 different heroes, each with their own distinct gameplay style and crime-murdering abilities. Blast the city’s scum through doors with Cletus’ shotgun, slice them in half with Kimmy’s katana dash, or simply bash crime in it’s terrible face with Ronald’s hammer. Go ham on primary objectives and (sometimes random) secondary goals but be prepared for unexpected mid-level events that turn the tables on the anti-heroes in an instant. SWAT teams, gun-toting elderly, helicopter gunships, pandas, pugs and suicidal samurais stand between you and election victory. NOT A HERO: SUPER SNAZZY EDITION introduces the “ME, MYSELF & BUNNYLORD” Campaign, letting you play as the BunnyLord himself! Use unreasonable force reasonably to fix his space-time-continuum mishaps and restore balance to the universe in this new adventure featuring 3 all new missions, with new baddies, settings and challenges.

Get over to the Xbox One Games Store right now!


Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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