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Purrfect Rescue: A New Hidden Cats Adventure on Xbox


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Purrfect Rescue
It’s time for a Purrfect Rescue on Xbox

Over recent months we’ve become more than a little addicted to the ‘Hidden Cats In’ series of games. And now we’re heading off on a Purrfect Rescue, an evolution of those other games. 

Purrfect Rescue from Silesia Games is the latest hidden cats game to release on Xbox. This one gets its claws into Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S players as they are left to scour a variety of landscapes in order to uncover hidden felines. If you’ve played Hidden Cats in Rome, or Hidden Cats in Paris, previously, you’re likely to love this one. 

More hidden cats

Priced at £2.49, with a launch discount in place if you are quick, this is the most simple of gaming experiences. And it’s a super cheap one too. For us, that combination, when mixed with some easy to grab achievements and Gamerscore, make it all feel a bit of a no-brainer. 

Pay up that cash, get your download moving and prepare for Purrfect Rescue and you’ll find a game which will deliver five scenarios with a hundred little kitties in each. Your job is to tick them off, one by one, slowly filling out your objectives, hunting out some special cats as you go.

It really is as simple as that, and for many, the creation of Gray Boss Game Studio and Silesia Games should excite. 

Key features

  • Original soundtrack;
  • 5 different scenarios;
  • 505 cats to find;
  • 5 special cats with personal rescue stories!
  • Game experience designed for a bit of thought and relaxation ^^

Buy now!

Need a new hidden kitties game to get your swipe at? You’ll find Purrfect Rescue on the Xbox Store, playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Stay tuned for a full review very soon. 

Purrfect Rescue Description

Five different sceneries, a hundred kittens to rescue in each, and only one person to take care of it all. (That person is you!) Keep your eyes open for ears, tails and noses – kittens are small, and there’s a lot of them around ^^

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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