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Rewind or Die? Can You Survive the Night Shift?


Rewind or Die Keyart
Rewind or Die – on console

Will you Rewind or Die?

Hankering for some old school horror, but haven’t been tempted by the Garten of Banban games or Poppy Playtime? The video store slashing of Rewind or Die releases on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. Just make sure you play it one evening, yeah?

Available as the latest from the Puppet Combo team is Comp-3 Interactive’s Rewind or Die; a gaming experience that looks to take you back to horror’s halcyon days. It is playable on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch, with just a mere couple of hours of playtime. 

Retro horror!

That works when you consider the asking price, but for many, a purchase and download of Rewind or Die will be determined by whether or not they are brave enough to take on the challenge. 

It focuses on a world in which society has been on the slide since the world transitioned from the VHS. It’s here where that Puppet Combo team come in, taking you back to a world of tape tracking. Rewind or Die puts you in the shoes of a hapless video rental store employee. If you thought working a dead-end job was bad enough, now there’s a killer on the loose and the murders are happening a little close to where you’re stocking shelves.

Maybe if you keep your head down and keep the shelves ordered, you’ll live to see the end of your shift. Or perhaps not…

Key features

  • A nostalgic throwback to ‘90s VHS rental
  • PS1-era lo-fi visuals
  • Slasher-horror with plenty of gore
  • Head-scratch worthy puzzles
  • Two possible endings
  • A serial killer worth fearing
  • Fully voiced characters
  • Unlockable character viewer models

Buy now!

Available today on the Xbox Store, Rewind or Die is playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S (optimised) for just £9.99. 

Alternatively you’ll discover a similar download presented from the stores of PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. 

Give the trailer a watch to find out more. And keep a beady eye out for our full review of Rewind or Die on Xbox soon. 

Rewind or Die Description

Just another day at a video rental store… right? Mike thought his dead-end job at the local video rental place would be easy, until a serial killer starts carving up his fellow clerks! Deal with irate customers, horrible bosses, and keep your store clean (well, as clean as it can be.) Don’t worry about the occasional creepy phone call or that person watching you through the front window, it’s all part of the job.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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