Demon Hunter: New Chapter marks the fourth instalment of the hidden object series from the masters of hidden object, Artifex Mundi, to release on Xbox. Chronologically though, it is the second before all Demon Hunter: Revelation, Demon Hunter: Riddles of Light and Demon Hunter: Ascendence. It is the sequel to Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond which, conversely, isn’t available on Xbox. However, Demon Hunter: New Chapter is out now on Xbox and PlayStation.
Dawn Harlock is the last member of a mysterious demon hunter group. The hunting has dried up though, to the point where Dawn almost forgot she even was one. That all changes when Archdemon Ragnar once again shows their face to bring about the end of the world. But not only that, she receives a phone call from a strange man who claims to be her father’s long-lost friend.
That’s a lot to deal with.
Demon Hunter: New Chapter is the latest hidden object game from Artifex Mundi. There are 31 locations with hundreds of items to find and puzzles to solve. If anyone has played an Artifex Mundi game before, you will know these hand painted locations look very pretty, even the more unsettling images.
Demon Hunter: New Chapter is on the Xbox Store now priced at £12.49. For those looking for more than one adventure, the Demonic Tales Bundle is available for £29.99. This includes Demon Hunter: New Chapter, and the already released 9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek and The Secret Order: Return to the Buried Kingdom all in one package.
Fancy this one? Let us know in the comments below.
Game description
“Twenty years of peace came to an abrupt end, when Dawn Harlock, the last member of the mysterious order of demon hunters, has to, once again, face Archdemon Ragnar and save the world from evil. One day she receives a call from mysterious doctor Stuart Williams, who claims to be her foster father’s long time friend. He promises valuable information about Dawn’s biological parents, that might shed some light on her eerie past shrouded in mystery.”