Are you ready to slice and dice with the next generation of console? Samurai Shodown will let you do just that when it launches on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S this winter.
Currently available on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia and PC via the Epic Games Store, Samurai Shodown has now been confirmed for launch on the next gen, with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S console readying themselves for the weapon based fighter.
Announced by SNK Corporation, ever since its creation in 1993, the Samurai Shodown series has been at the front of the game, redefining the weapon-based fighting genre. 11 years after its previous installment, the series has welcomed in a completely new game that is always evolving. With Samurai Shodown the series that is known for its breath-taking battles and stunning characters has been taken to new heights with amazing visuals and sound design, and when it drops onto Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S this winter, it’ll hit even higher heights.
A message from Samurai Shodown Producer, Yasuyuki Oda: “The Xbox Series X|S is Microsoft’s most innovative and cutting-edge next-gen console which is ramping up to hit the market soon, and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of its massive presence in the gaming community.”
We will of course keep you updated with the launch of Samurai Shodown on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. For now though if you haven’t yet played the game, consider grabbing it on current gen systems – it should give you decent preparation for when it hits next-gen.
And if you wish to know more, the announcement trailer is down below. Hit it up and let us know your thoughts in the comments or via our new Discord server. We’d love to hear from you.