If you haven’t managed to play through Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy on Game Pass, then we’re afraid the moment has passed. It’s included in the list of eight games that are leaving the service on Xbox and PC today, evaporating away as if Thanos clicked his fingers.
While this isn’t their first rodeo - see Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series - it’s most definitely their biggest adventure yet. Are Square Enix onto a winning combination with Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, or is this one crazy mission that’s just too much to handle?
Without the internet, memes wouldn’t be anywhere near as prevalent as they are today. And one of the earliest ever examples was the Rickroll where unsuspecting users would click on a video, only to be rudely interrupted by Rick Astley and his seminal 80s hit ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’. Admit it, we’ve all fallen victim to it at one point, and we’ve likely managed to successfully Rickroll someone else in the process.
You've watched the films, and now it's time to play the game as Square Enix unveil, detail and date Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy for Xbox, PlayStation and PC.
As if there wasn’t enough awesome content in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 already, now Star Lord and the rest of the gang have brought us a brand new level to continue our adventures, alongside some other DLC packs featuring a whole host of new characters to add to the cosmic experience.
And now, the end is near, it’s time for the Guardians to face their final curtain in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series. It’s been a rollercoaster ride right from the opener, without ever reaching great heights or massive lows along the way. Could the finale, “Don’t Stop Believin’”, buck the trend and deliver a climax to remember? Or should it bit written off as one of the rare mediocre series of the Telltale catalogue?
Just over six months ago, the Guardians crash-landed into the Telltale world to much fanfare and now we’ve reached the final episode of the series. Will Star-Lord and the rest of his crew make it an ending to remember?