In Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Highway Patrol Expansion, available on Xbox, PlayStation and PC, you will explore the wider State of Franklin and take in all its natural beauty.
We've had a good year pretending to be police officers, running the autobahn, catching crims. But now it's time for us to go Off-Road with the latest expansion for Autobahn Police Simulator 3. It comes with our very own patrol dog companion too.
We can't for one minute try and hype the latest DLC for Police Simulator: Patrol Officers any more than it is. If we're being kind, this is a cheap, cheerful, content lacking piece of DLC for a game that fails to ever really ignite.
Remember when first person shooters were dark, desperate affairs? Well, times are a-changing and Fashion Police Squad is all about colour. That and shooting some proper fashion faux pas.