It’s near on six months since the Xbox One released and we think it’s fair to say that the next generation Xbox has now got a decent range of games available for near enough everyone. It’s also pretty fair to say that between us, TXH have played the majority of them.
But which are our favourites? Which are the ones we constantly go back to? Which games, in fact, make up our ten best Xbox One games….The ones YOU should be playing and the ones YOU should own?
Feel free to hit the links below to be whisked to our full reviews.
1. FIFA 14
FIFA has been the daddy of football games for the last 5 years or so and every iteration gets better and better. FIFA 14 has Ultimate Team, it has Pro Clubs, its has the lot. It also had a fair few issues when we reviewed it meaning we couldn’t give it our coveted 5/5 award but thankfully those issues are now behind FIFA and EA Sports should be more than pleased with themselves this year.
2. Titanfall
It’s got to be on there hasn’t it. Titanfall is a remarkable FPS that has the freshness that others haven’t had for years and opens up the shooter market once more for those bored of the rest. The worst things we can say about it are that the Campaign wouldn’t be missed and the visuals aren’t next gen standard yet. Other than that we have no doubt this is the most fun, enjoyable game we’ve played since our early Xbox 360 days. Action packed gaming with not a minute to spare throughout, always kept on your toes. Your money will be well spent and finally the next generation of gaming has a new addiction to overcome.
It wouldn’t be much of a list without the best damn racer out there being included. Forza 5 looks absolutely stunning, has a thriving multiplayer community and includes a single player campaign that will take near on 100 hours to complete. Yes there aren’t quite as many cars or tracks as in previous versions and many may see this as a massive negative, but believe us when we say you’ll still find more than enough content to keep you going for months and perhaps years to come.
4. Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
A surprise inclusion perhaps but one that is more than warranted.Max struck every chord in our minds when it came to well structured puzzles found throughout the game and the marker pen, which seemed silly at first, turned out to become an awesome tool. With plenty of collectables, the replay value of Max is pretty high and you’ll find yourself playing this a good few months down the line. The added news that Max will be one of the first Xbox One Games With Gold titles makes things even better.
5. Peggle 2
If you’re after the ultimate five minute time waster, then look no further than Peggle 2. It’s colourful, it’s full of joy and anyone can pick up and play it within 30 seconds of first seeing the game in action. Peggle 2 will however take a good while to master and if you’re after something the kids will also love, then give them some peg pinging action.
Ubisoft have come up trumps yet again with a delightful poetic tale of a young girl and her battle against the Queen of the Night. A platformer with plenty of role playing characteristics (including an awesome active time battle system), Child of Light is something each and every Xbox One owner should play, if only to see exactly what happens when a considerable amount of love goes into a game.
7. Battlefield 4
BF4 may have had a tough start and it’s single player campaign might be a little on the short side, but its Xbox Live multiplayer experience is second to none…Yes, not even to Titanfall. Whether you’re in there as a solo player or taking to the skies in an attack copter with a load of mates, there’s plenty of grit and action to be found on any of the numerous maps. With further expansions coming thick and fast, the sky is most definitely the limit for any Battlefield Xbox One fan.
8. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
You may think this is a strange inclusion as when we reviewed it we only gave it mid range figures. The thing is, Garden Warfare is still high up on our play list. It’s good fun and the numerous updates that have been thrown at the game have kept it fresh, alive and something that we still want to play alongside Titanfall or those bigger hitters and that’s something we couldn’t say when it first released.
A late entry into our list but one that fully deserves its place. Super Time Force is absolutely bonkers crazy and what from the outside looks like a very simple premise; shoot everything and get to the end of the level, turns out to be a fairly complex strategic title with plenty of laughs along the way. It may not be for everyone, but give it a chance and it’ll suck you right in…..and then spit you right out again!
It was a bit of a toss up to see which LEGO title made our list but we finally plumped for Marvel Super Heroes. Everyone loves LEGO and we reckon there’s a fair few Marvel followers out there too and so with that in mind, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a must play and just about beats LEGO The Hobbit and The LEGO Movie onto our list. Whether you’ll find yourself playing as The Hulk, Iron Man or many others as you search out those last bricks in the massive open areas is up to you, but we reckon you’ll find plenty of replayability and fun in the best LEGO game we’ve played.
So do you agree or disagree with our picks? Anything we’ve missed out? Let us know in our forums, in the comments below or via any of our social media channels. We’d love to hear from you.
Dead rising 3 is better than titanfall, bf4 and forza to me.
The style of game and personnel preference is what decides ones own list in the end.
Essa lista de merda é brincadeira, tantos jogos essencias.
Dead Rising 3 , Ryse : son of Rome , Forza 5 , Titanfall , BF4 ,Fifa 14 , Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare,AC4 , Tomb Rider… Façam uma lista de gamer e nao te fanboys de merda
Ryse needs to be on this list.
IDK why Battlefield 4 is on this list but not Dead Rising 3/Ryse: Son of Rome.
Most people who I find didn’t like Ryse, either don’t play Hack & Slash games or never played it in the first place.
Dead Rising 3 is a pretty fun zombie slasher for people to enjoy, I’d think it’s a must own. Especially since Dying Light got delayed till 2015.
Ryse was there until Super Time Force knocked it out of the park. It’s a top game, but there is only room for so many.
DR3 would also be one of those just missing out and notable mentions must also go to SSZ, Trials and LEGO Movie.
Unsurprisingly, neither The Amazing Spider-man 2 or Lococycle were anywhere close!
I’m just saying that Battlefield 4 was a MASSIVE let down.
5 months ago when it was a mess maybe. Nowadays, it’s great fun when with a bunch of mates.