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Sniper Elite V2 Remastered release date revealed in new visual comparison trailer


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We knew it was coming but the guys and girls at Rebellion haven’t been able to hold back the hordes any longer – the Sniper Elite V2 Remastered release date has been revealed in a new visual comparison trailer.

Coming to Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC, Sniper Elite V2 Remastered will be hitting town on the 14th May 2019.

Launching digitally to the world, alongside boxed editions of the game on Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch, Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is hugely anticipated in many parts, with fans of the franchise and newcomers to the gaming scene both readying themselves for a treat.

Whilst the visual upgrade is the main selling point – and you can see how that works in the trailer below – Rebellion have also thrown a ton more work into the Remaster. Sniper Elite V2 Remastered introduces a brand new frame-by-frame photo mode, seven new playable characters from Rebellion’s Zombie Army series, expanded multiplayer for up to 16 players online (limited to 8 on Switch), and all the additional content ever released for the game – for free!

If you like the look of what is being shown off in the trailer below and need to get your hands on a copy of Sniper Elite V2 Remastered the second it goes on sale, then the smart money is on sticking a pre-order in. You can do that from later today when it will be available to pre-order for £29.99 / $34.99 / €34.99 with a special 10% discount on digital pre-orders available across all platforms. Steam users who already own the original edition of Sniper Elite V2 can upgrade to Sniper Elite V2 Remastered for just £6.99 / $9.99 / €9.99.

Get that wallet open, watch the trailer below and prepare yourself for the launch of Sniper Elite V2 Remastered on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC. It promises to be a good ‘un!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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