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Star Wars Battlefront free trial now available with EA Access on Xbox One


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The time has come, Star Wars Battlefront is now available on Xbox One…as long as you are an EA Access member!

Thanks to the unique Access features, you can now grab your free ten hour trial of EA’s finest Star Wars title. You’ll be free to explore the entire game, just as you would if you were popping down the shops to purchase it for real.

Even better news is that everything you achieve or unlock in the trial will carry over once you buy the full game for real. And let’s be honest, you WILL be buying the full game won’t you!

Head over to the Xbox Games Store on Xbox One and get your free ten hours of Battlefront right now. Whilst you’re there, you may as well check out some of the other awesome games that EA have included in their Access Vault as well. There’s a ton of stuff in there!

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.


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Heather Crowe
Heather Crowe
9 years ago

EA access is brilliant! If anyone is considering it and hasn’t committed yet I’d 100% urge you to get it. Me and my partner have had it since it launched and it’s a great system and for such a good price, we played the 10 hours of battlefront and it is by far one of the best games that’s hit in the past few years, it is pristine, gorgeous graphics and plays flawless also the best co op game we have played in years! We are desperate to purchase it. H x

evan x
evan x
9 years ago

Wow I cannot wait until this game comes out. Good luck everyone and thanks for the chance!

Virtuous Lumox
Virtuous Lumox
9 years ago

EA Access is a ridiculous deal. Wish i had considered the benefits before buying DAI, PvZGW, Peggle 2, and Titanfall.

9 years ago

I can’t wait much longer!!!!!

Mike Cunningham
Mike Cunningham
9 years ago

Looks Good 🙂 Fingers Crossed

Tim Gruver
Tim Gruver
9 years ago

The hype awakens. Can you feel it?

9 years ago

The Force is strong with this one.

Deshun Quan
Deshun Quan
9 years ago

I can’t wait to play this game.

Hendri Du Plessis
Hendri Du Plessis
9 years ago

Game looks great would love to give it a go and also try ea access

Ammar Farid
Ammar Farid
9 years ago

Loved the Beta. But this will let me checkout all the guns , game modes and help me decide if i should get the game. Looking forward to win 😀

9 years ago

Thanks 4 The chance

Adric Morrison
Adric Morrison
9 years ago

Very keen to check out how much content the full game actually has. Cant wait to shoot me some rebel scum on endor.

Joey Andrews
Joey Andrews
9 years ago

Love it

9 years ago

I’m really excited for Battlefront! EA Access seems to be such great value.

9 years ago

I’ve been debating on whether or not to get EA Access for a while now. Winning a month trial would probably tip the scales and have me get it for a year. And this game as well. Somehow shelling out $100 or so would still be considered winning! 🙂

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