This week starts our E3 preview content, as we discuss what we might expect to see from Electronic Arts and Square Enix at this year’s show. We cover what they’ve done at E3 in recent years, talk about what they each need to do there this year, and finally, discuss what we expect to see from them this year.
In news, Epic has purchased Psyonix, the developer behind Rocket League. What does this mean for Rocket League in the future? Is the small but vocal outcry about this acquisition warranted? Also, we got to see some more Borderlands 3 gameplay this week, and the game looks great. We discuss what we’re most looking forward to with the new iteration of Borderlands coming this September.
As the official podcast of TheXboxHub, we produce a podcast every week that is recorded on Friday evenings, along with a lot of streaming on Twitch and Mixer. There are a lot of ways for you to become involved in our awesome community – we have a forums page on Facebook, a channel on Discord, and you can follow our channels on Twitch and Mixer. We give away prizes to people in the community just for taking part and making the community stronger! There will be links to all those venues at the end of this article.
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