Those guys over at Xbox HQ love to spoil us during the summer months and that means sales, sales and more sale. With big discounts on both Xbox One and Xbox 360 games, you can’t miss the bargains in the Xbox Ultimate Game Sale.
Running between 7th-13th July 2015, Xbox Live Gold members will be able to get up to 50% off no less than 70 titles. Spread across both the Xbox One and Xbox 360, the following games will be discounted (with other unnamed ones to follow suit!):
Mortal Kombat X
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Goat Simulator
Far Cry 4
Ori and the Blind Forest
Assassin’s Creed III
Shadow of Mordor
Slender: The Arrival
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Dragon Age: Inquisttion
The Orange Box
We will of course let you know all the details and pricing structures as soon as they are revealed, but for now, if you were thinking about checking out any of the above, it may be worth holding back just a little bit longer.
Get ready to splash the cash, the Xbox Ultimate Game Sale is coming!