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TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 133: GTA 6 Rumours and San Diego Comic-Con 2022


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Get ready for another great episode of our weekly podcast, with lots of chatter about San Diego Comic-Con 2022, the rumours surrounding GTA 6, and more delays on the horizon. There’s also a varied selection of games to discuss, providing thoughts on recent indie releases like Lord Winklebottom Investigates and The Galactic Junkers. So, settle down and enjoy TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 133.


Join Gareth, James, Darren and Richard as they dive straight into all of the announcements coming from Marvel at San Diego Comic-Con and offer their opinions as the next Phase of the MCU is detailed. Before moving onto games, there’s time to wax lyrical about England’s efforts during UEFA Women’s EURO 2022.

In regards to games, James has been solving a murder mystery in point-and-clicker Lord Winklebottom Investigates, while Darren leads a crew in space survival adventure The Galactic Junkers. Meanwhile, Gareth pursues a life as an engineer in Hazel Sky, and Richard is fighting off monsters in RTS Into the Breach.

On the news front, expect to hear thoughts on Halo Infinite co-op matchmaking, the latest trailer for Gotham Knights, and delays to a couple of upcoming games. Additionally, there’s a focus on the fresh GTA 6 rumours and whether the speculated ideas are going to entice our team in, or not.

What more could you ask for? A quiz? Okay, you got it. 

If you wish to comment on anything discussed in TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 133, or ask any questions for us to answer in future episodes, feel free to do so!

As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast

TheXboxHub Official Podcast is a weekly (mostly) podcast in which multiple members of the team behind the main site and written words get together to chat about all things Xbox, gaming, and life in general. We cover PlayStation and Switch stuff as well, mostly as we see no reason to bother ourselves with the whole format wars that go on.

You can find this latest episode of our podcast on all the usual podcasting apps and options. That means it is available by searching for TheXboxHub on…

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James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.
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