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TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 18 – Is it still worth being an Achievement hunter?


Episode 18 of TheXboxHub Official Podcast is in the house and we gather round once more to chat all things gaming, Xbox and… achievement hunting. Oh, and there’s a pretty special exclusive interview with the team behind Those Who Remain too.

Join Gareth as the host, Neil as the bike-obsessed record grabber and James – the self confessed Gamerscore addict – as TheXboxHub team get together again for a good old natter.

In Episode 18 of TXH’s Official Podcast a huge variety of topics are covered, as the guys chat about the latest games they’ve been playing – games like Glass Masquerade 2 – what they are looking forward to over the course of the next week or so, and why on earth us Xbox gamers are still utterly dedicated to collecting Gamerscore and achievements. The main question though is whether the whole Gamerscore thing has had its day, or if there is enough draw for gamers of all types to still enjoy the ping of a cheevo.

But further to the inane babble we also play host to a rather special interview – an exclusive sit down with the main mind behind the upcoming horror experience, Those Who Remain. If you’re interested in knowing more about what makes the team at Studio Camel 101 tick and why you should be excited for the launch of Those Who Remain, you’ll want to listen in to see what is divulged.

As always, full show notes are available over at www.thexboxhub.com/podcast

TheXboxHub Official Podcast is now a weekly thing, allowing the team behind the site to chat about all things Xbox and gaming in general – all whilst trying not to stray too far away from the videogames scene.

You can find this latest episode of our podcast on all the usual podcasting apps and options. That means it is available by searching for TheXboxHub on…

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Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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